E-Prime Go 1.x
Articles on release information, known issues/fixes, and more for E-Prime Go.
Getting Started
- INFO: E-Prime Go Troubleshooting [41044]
- INFO: Running with the latest Unpacker [36898]
- INFO: Paradigm upload size limit [35742]
- INFO: E-Prime Go Supported Browsers [36032]
- INFO: E-Prime Go Best Practices [35507]
- INFO: Anti-Virus Programs prevent E-Prime from running properly [35789]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go 1.0 Released (Version [41043]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go 1.0 Released (Version [40356]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go 1.0 Released (Version [36055]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go 1.0 Released (Version [34991]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go 1.0 Known Issues [34992]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go Change History [35152]
Known Issues and Fixes
- BUG FIX: Attempting to pack in a root directory results in error [36040]
- BUG FIX: Automated data upload results in 404 error [37394]
- BUG FIX: E-Prime Go locks up on Win7x86 when Collect Machine Info is selected [35154]
- BUG FIX: E-Prime Go Participants may see an "Experiment Files are Invalid" error when unpacking experiment [40357]
- BUG FIX: Error 33333 when running ExperimentUnpacker.exe twice [37399]
- BUG FIX: F1 Key in Packer fails to launch the E-Prime Go User Manual [36051]
Data Collection
- INFO: E-Prime Go participants can retry submitting data files after a Data Transfer Error [41045]
- INFO: Experiment status on the E-Prime Go website [36990]
- INFO: E-Prime Go Privacy and Data Security Policy [37175]
- INFO: Data Usage on the E-Prime Go website [37280]
- INFO: Renaming experiments packed using Automated Mode [36385]
- INFO: Automated Mode requires Paradigm Code [36384]