This article applies to:
E-Prime Go 1.0
When you share an E-Prime Go experiment using Automated Mode, you ultimately share the E-Prime Go Unpacker application with the participant. The Unpacker application then uses the paradigm code to download the experiment and resource files. This approach that Automated Mode takes allows the downloadable .exe to be digitally signed and prevents the issues in Automated Mode (INFO: Internet Browser and SmartScreen Warnings [35046]).
The paradigm code is in the name of the downloadable .exe. This is how the Unpacker application gains access to the files specific to your experiment. For example, if you have an .exe with the name “Task-YA9WS928.exe”, then the Paradigm Code is YA9WS928. Therefore, if you manually rename the E-Prime Go .exe experiment file after you download it, but before you launch it, you receive this prompt:
NOTE: This concern does not apply to filenames appended by (1).exe, (2).exe, etc. due to accidental "double downloads". E-Prime Go knows to truncate these "(number)" portions of the .exe filename.
In this example, you manually enter “YA9WS928” because it is no longer available to the Unpacker application through the name of the .exe. This prompt also occurs if you try to launch a task that does not exist (such as a task removed from your account at
If you want the name of the .exe to reflect the name of the actual task, you can create a shortcut (.lnk file) of the “Task-XXXXXXXX.exe.” Please see INFO: Renaming experiments packed using Automated Mode [36385] for more information.
See Also:
INFO: Renaming experiments packed using Automated Mode [36385]
INFO: Internet Browser and SmartScreen Warnings [35046]
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