This article applies to:
E-Prime Go 1.0
When you use Automated Mode, the name of the .exe does not reflect the name of the .ebs3 file. For example, an experiment named BasicRT.ebs3 can be renamed Task-YA9WS928.exe.
Researchers often use a deliberate naming scheme for their experiment files that indicate the paradigm. Therefore, researchers may attempt to rename the downloadable .exe file back to the original name of the .ebs3 file. However, E-Prime Go's Automated Mode relies on the .exe name to contain the paradigm code to download experiment files. When you manually change the name of the downloadable .exe, you must then share and enter the paradigm code. For more information, please see INFO: Automated Mode requires Paradigm Code [36384].
To get around this naming restriction without having to manually share the paradigm code, you are always able to create a shortcut (.lnk) file that points to the E-Prime Go experiment .exe. This way, you can name the .lnk file to whatever you want because the .exe still contains the paradigm code in its name. For example, here is a downloadable .exe containing the Paradigm Code "YA9WS928" in its filename:
1) Right click on the .exe and choose the "Create shortcut" option:
NOTE: As seen in the above image, this creates an .lnk file of the same name, except appended with " - Shortcut".
2) Rename the shortcut's filename to whatever you want (e.g., the same name as the .ebs3 such as "BasicRT"):
3) Copy and paste the .lnk files from the Downloads folder to a more convenient location (such as the Desktop).
This is useful for researchers who use E-Prime Go's Automated Mode because test machines can be configured with easily identifiable shortcut names for the packed experiments.
See Also:
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