E-Prime Go Privacy and Data Security Policy
Psychology Software Tools, Inc. (PST) respects the privacy of every individual who uses E-Prime Go in any capacity. This article describes the security precautions that safeguard the privacy of data obtained from the researchers who create E-Prime Go experiments and the participants who download experiments and have their data stored on the E-Prime Go website (eprimego.com).
What Information is Collected?
IP Addresses
Psychology Software tools (PST) maintains server logs with the IP addresses of researchers who log into the E-Prime Go site to pack an experiment in Automated mode, obtain a link to the experiment to be distributed to participants, or access the participant’s experiment session data. The IP addresses of participants who download experiments and whose data is uploaded to the site are also collected in the server logs. These logs are created and reviewed as part of standard database maintenance and performance monitoring. For example, PST needs to know if users from a specific region or country are unable to connect or are dropping connections, or if there is suspicious activity pointing to illegal software use.
The IP addresses cannot be linked to a specific participant’s session data (see below) as the participant information is stored separately. E-Prime Go does not record MAC addresses.
Experiment Session Data
The participant data files that are created by running an E-Prime Go experiment contain the Subject number, Session number and a timestamp of when the experiment was run. These values are configurable by the experimenter; see INFO: Specifying a Subject number during Startup Info prompts [17161]. The data files also contain any additional values that the experimenter chooses to prompt for and log, such as age, handedness, ethnicity, etc. PST does not require that the experimenter prompt for any identifying information about the participant.
Participant data files also contain the dependent measures (response selection, response accuracy, response time, etc.) that the experimenter chooses to log.
Participant Computer Information
The participant's operating system and other machine information, including the display monitor resolution and refresh rate, are logged in the Experiment Advisor report which is included with the files that are uploaded to the E-Prime Go website. In addition, if the researcher chooses to collect the optional collection of graphics diagnostic information, then the results of the DirectX diagnostics are also uploaded to the E-Prime Go website.
How is the information secured?
Participant data is stored on a password-protected server. Participant data can only be accessed with the same E-Prime Go account that was used when the experiment was initially packed in the E-Prime Go application and uploaded to the E-Prime Go website. The website utilizes 256-bit SSL encryption during data transmission. PST uses third-party security and compliance services to adhere to industry best practices.
How long is the data stored?
Experiment session data is stored until the experimenter deletes the data.
Experiment participants cannot submit a request to delete their data. Participants must submit a request to the researcher to delete their data. PST advises researchers to download their data from the E-Prime Go web server and secure this data for long-term storage in accordance with any IRB and institutional requirements.
NOTE: Periodic backups are stored in a long-term archive and accessed only in the event of a complete system failure.
What happens to the data on the participant machine?
If a participant is running a Manual Mode experiment, data is stored locally on their machine. If a participant is running an Automated Mode experiment, data is removed from their machine and transferred to our E-Prime Go website if a successful connection is made.
Who has access to the data?
No participant data is transmitted to researchers automatically. Researchers may only access participant data after logging into the E-Prime Go website with the same E-Prime Go account credentials that were used to create the experiment in Automated mode.
PST does not participate in data-mining practices. Unless under strict purpose, PST staff do not examine the contents of any .edat3 file, Experiment Advisor report, or DirectX diagnostic file that is submitted. PST Company Policy prohibits staff from accessing data without prior permission of or request from the account holder unless done under strict purpose (e.g., illegal activity, license compliance, etc.). PST does not sell any researcher or participant data to third parties or make any such data available to third parties.
Where can I find privacy policy and EULA?
The E-Prime Go privacy policy is located at https://eprimego.com/privacy.
The E-Prime Go EULA is located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\PST\E-Prime Go 1.0".
See Also:
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