This article applies to:
E-Prime Go 1.0
This bug was first reported in E-Prime Go 1.0 (
This bug has been corrected in E-Prime Go 1.0 (
The following error may occur when attempting to unpack an experiment that was packed in Manual mode:
This error can occur for two different reasons: missing Windows updates or missing the latest certificates.
Solution for E-Prime Go:
Upgrade to E-Prime Go 1.0 ( or later.
Solution for Windows Updates:
Ensure all available Windows Updates are installed on the machine. Note that the PcQualify application (INFO: PcQualify for E-Prime Go / E-Prime 3.0 [35382]) includes a check for the required updates.
Solution for Certificates:
Install the latest certificates on the machine. We recommend downloading and saving an installer such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
NOTE: Users must Save but not Run the installer; selecting Run after downloading does not install the latest certificates.
If the issue persists and the certificate is not downloaded and installed automatically, download and install the DigiCert Trusted Root G4 directly at
We recommend installing this certificate on the Local Machine Store Location. All other options can remain default.
NOTE: You may need to restart your machine for E-Prime to see the updated certificate.
This workaround is intended only for those users who are unable to implement the appropriate solutions(s) listed above.
Re-pack the experiment in Automated mode and distribute it to the participant.
See Also:
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