Tobii Pro
This section contains release information, known issues, features, and experiment design details for E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro.
- INFO: E-Prime Extensions for Tobii eye tracker compatibility [41036]
- BUG FIX: Tobii Pro Lab (version 1.207) does not disconnect when running consecutive sessions [40769]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro 3.2 Released [28932]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro 3.2 Known Issues [28931]
- RELEASE INFO: Upgrading an Experiment to E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro (EET) 3.2 [28930]
- ERROR: Incompatible movie file encodings cause error during UploadMedia [39897]
- BUG: Error text for a TPL movie Display Event with a non-zero Start Position is incorrect [37703]
- BUG: Runtime error occurs with TETGazeDataSetPropertyMatch and TETGazeDataSetProperMatchLimit [34510]
- BUG: Mistake in TETGazeDataSetPropertyMatch and TETGazeDataSetPropertyMatchLimit PackageFile documentation [37387]
- BUG: TET-enabled experiments occasionally carry CurrentObject, ComponentName and CurrentFixationDuration to the next Procedure [34509]
- BUG: ScriptSense broken for TobiiProLab device [34515]
- BUG: Tobii Pro-enabled experiment crashes E-Studio in subsequent experiment run [34516]
- BUG: SetPlaceholder routine missing some parameter descriptions [34513]
- BUG: Unspecified VisualFeedbackColor parameter in TETWaitForFixation still presents visual feedback [31042]
- BUG: Eye Tracker Manager does not open up from TobiiEyeTracker device [34402]
- BUG: Gaze replay routine does not work correctly on multi-monitor experiments when invoked on opposite monitor of gaze recording [31035]
- BUG: Tobii Pro Lab media is not shown correctly when running on Windows 7 [30978]
- BUG: Error on TPLOpen when using non-default Display name [30766]
- BUG: Error occurs while installing on Win 8 / 8.1 [29762]
- BUG: E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro 3.2 (EET) ScriptSense Issues [29760]
- BUG: E-Objects after TETGazeDataSave cause a Runtime Error [29761]
- ERROR: Tobii Pro Lab Projects are showing incorrect media [34514]
- ERROR: Runtime error occurs stating that the eye tracker device cannot start calibration [34440]
- ERROR: TPLOpen fails to connect when port 8080 is not available or localhost does not resolve to [33837]
- ERROR: Missing Images or Invalid Source Rect Error when Tobii Pro Lab display is not properly defined [30941]
- INFO: CurrentObject definition in EET 3.2 versus older EET versions [34529]
- INFO: Information on the Tobii Pro SDK [36882]
- INFO: Same AOI names on multiple Slide objects supported [30861]
- INFO: Setting Placeholders in Tobii Pro Lab-enabled experiments [29473]
- INFO: Using the TPLCompleteLabEvents PackageCall [29937]