This article applies to:
E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro 3.2
The following error occurs during calibration when running a Tobii Pro-enabled experiment:
Eye Tracker Device (your eye tracker name) can not state calibration.
Status: 14
Line: 4625
Error Number: 31013
This behavior has been observed on all version of Eye Tracker Manager (i.e., 1.x.x and 2.x.x) with both the Tobii Pro Nano and Fusion eye trackers. Notify Psychology Software Tools if this occurs on a setup not described in this article.
To resolve this error, you must specify a display setup in Eye Tracker Manager. Navigate through all of the the display setup prompts and save the display setup before running the Tobii Pro-enabled experiment again.
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro 3.2 Known Issues [28931]
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