This article applies to:
E-Prime Go 1.0
NOTE: This article applies to Manual mode experiments. Automated mode experiments are uploaded automatically to, along with participant data. A link is generated and can be provided to particpants to directly access the experiment. However, JotForm can still be of use (in Automated mode) if you also provide a survey with the experiment.
JotForm is online software that creates forms that can be used to encrypt user data ( For E-Prime Go, PST recommends using JotForm to store all participant data. The forms made to store the data can be uniquely tailored to meet your experiment’s needs. Additionally, PST recommends using JotForm to host the location of the packed experiment. Therefore, the download of the packed file and uploading of data is done all in one place. The steps below show how to create a basic form that includes paragraph, file browser, and reCaptcha elements.
NOTE: The following steps require that you have a JotForm account already created.
1) Open the web browser of your choice (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc.).
2) Navigate to the JotForm website and login using your name and password.
3) Click Create Forms to create a new form.
4) Select the option to Start from Scratch.
5) Select the layout of a Classic Form.
6) Type in both a Heading (e.g., “E-Prime Go Study Files”) and a subheader (e.g., “Upload your data files here!”).
7) Click Add Form Elements to expand the Form Elements tab.
8) Scroll through Form Elements. Drag a Paragraph element to the form. Edit the text to provide the hyperlink to the packed file (e.g., “Download the experiment from the link below…”). Place the Google drive hyperlink from Sharing the Packed File in the paragraph.
9) Scroll through Form Elements. Drag a File Upload element to the form. Type a question in the question field (e.g., “What data do you want to upload?”).
10) Scroll through Form Elements. Drag a reCaptcha element to the form.
11) Navigate to the Settings tab. Select Integrations. Click on the Google Drive option.
12) Follow the prompts to sync your file submissions to JotForm with Google Drive. Click Complete Integration to finish syncing with Google Drive. Click Finish after the sync is completed.
NOTE: This requires authenticating, selecting, and allowing JotForm to access your Google account.
13) Click Publish to finish the form.
NOTE: The link for the form can be shared with your colleagues in multiple ways. For example, you can share the link directly or send “invitations” to email addresses. The way in which you decide to share your data upload form should be your research team's decision.
See Also:
INFO: Manually Sharing the Packed E-Prime Go File [35519]
INFO: Uploading Manual mode data to JotForm [35520]
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