Audio and Video Components
This section contains information specific to audio and video presentation in E-Prime 3.0.
- AV: Audio over DisplayPort and HDMI [40650]
- AV: Monitor, Aspect Ratio, and Resolution with E-Prime [37647]
- AV: Matching video frame rate to refresh rate [37037]
- AV: Supported Display Resolutions [35088]
- AV: SoundOut Volume Control Property in E-Prime, Actual Decibel Output, and MovieDisplay Volume Control Options [28039]
- AV: Supported movie file formats [18325]
- AV: SoundDevice enabled by default [18006]
- AV: Supported Audio file formats [30571]
- AV: Adjusting DirectSound (DirectX) Hardware Acceleration can eliminate sound popping [17537]
- AV: Windows 8 or DirectX 11 or greater detected (Formerly KB 19543 & 5577) [23888]
- AV: E-Prime Video Renderer [18642]
- AV: Using the Match Desktop Resolution DisplayDevice setting [27712]
- AV: Editing the SoundDevice.API for DirectSound, ASIO, CoreAudio, or Chronos [18865]
- AV: StopAfterMode introduced for Movie and Sound objects [18964]
- AV: Ability to suppress audio and video load reports [18880]
- AV: Use of SoundTester to determine machine compatibility with ASIO or Core Audio/WASAPI [18834]
- AV: Sound Latency - Windows Vista and later [18833]
- AV: DisplayDevice.FlippingEnabled [18483]
- AV: CodecConfig Tutorial [18101]
- AV: Sound Latency - Not all sound cards provide optimal millisecond timing [17206]
- AV: Supported image file formats [16532]