E-Prime 2.x
Articles on release information, known issues/fixes, setup, experiment design, and timing for E-Prime 2.x.
Versions and Operating Systems
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History (2.0 beta to [19386]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19387]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19388]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19389]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19548]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19581]
Known Issues and Fixes
- ERROR: HASP Driver Version 8.31 or later causes E-Prime 2.0 installation error 2753 [39149]
- INFO: Some Microsoft IMEs cause issues with E-Prime 2.0 on Windows 10 2004 and beyond [37376]
- RELEASE INFO: Known issues in E-Prime 2.0 [19406]
- BUG FIX: Corrections for Scripting Typos in Getting Started Guide [18528]
- ERROR: Use of Sound.LoadAffinity to diagnose sound loading and playback issues [18654]
- BUG FIX: Find/Replace All Script Windows option is not working when using the PackageFile editor on non-certified package files [19563]
Setup and Installation
- INSTALL: Admin guide to deploying E-Prime 2.0 Professional [18286]
- INSTALL: E-Prime 2.0 Installation offers Subject Station Installation option [18338]
- INSTALL: E-Prime 2.0 Installation prompts to uninstall RC 2007 versions [18339]
- INSTALL: E-Prime 2.0 Installation updated to remove versions of E-Prime 2.0 circa Q1 2008 [18342]
- INSTALL: E-Prime 2.0 Installation updated to use industry standard Windows Installer .msi [18343]
- INSTALL: E-Prime 2.0 Prerequisites required for installation [19325]
Experiment Design with E-Studio
- ERROR: Unable to Update Frame Marker and Unable to Buffer Movie errors [34588]
- INFO: Response Data Omitted from .edat file when using multiple input masks [18007]
- INFO: How to turn on E-Studio.log debugging [17880]
- INFO: Implement E-Prime file formats with UNICODE as native character usuage [17679]
- INFO: Default frame size lowered to 75% [17951]
- INFO: Conversion action dialog options added to the Tools...Options area of E-Studio [18329]