This article applies to:
E-Prime 2.0
To determine what version of E-Prime is installed on your computer, see INFO: How to determine E-Prime version number [17909].
The following is a partial outline of changes in E-Prime 2.0 by build/date.
E-Prime (2015-03-27)
BUG FIX: ScriptSense members missing in SP1 release [19556]
BUGFIX: SlideMovie object does not respond to Slide.DisplayName change unless Load is called again
BUGFIX: Missing or incomplete ScriptSense members (ebBack Constant missing from ConstantSense and ScriptSense coloring)
BUGFIX: Missing or incomplete ScriptSense members (Left/Right members of Rect type highlighting as global functions)
BUGFIX: PackageFile Editor Version Persist text box cuts off value
BUGFIX: E-Run ignoring command line switch to supress error messages
BUGFIX: Debug.Print not printing { and } characters
BUGFIX: Use of (until feedback) EAM does not provide the name of the object where the warning is generated
BUGFIX: Task Events Dialog fields limit number of characters for [attrib]references
BUGFIX: Volatile Clock runtime Experiment Advisor Module warns of Clock Scale on non-period decimal symbol number format machines
BUGFIX: Column header sort indicators do not mimic the traditional Windows look
BUGFIX: Generation of script causes error message
BUGFIX: CodecConfig errors on load after defaults prompt
BUGFIX: Experiments with SRBOX crash when no serial ports available
BUGFIX: FIPS Compliant Security Algorithms may prevent successful E-Prime suite licensing and startup operations
BUGFIX: SocketDevice WriteString Task Event Fails due to Double Convert to ANSI
BUGFIX: StartupInfo Editor closes a modified file without prompting to save
BUGFIX: "The value entered is not a valid color, RGB value, or attribute reference." due to whitespace in RGB color code
BUGFIX: Multiple correct answers does not work with AutoResponse
BUGFIX: "Unable to schedule frame" DisplayExtension issue
BUGFIX: ScriptSense replace dialog sets focus to "replace" text box when doing Ctrl+H
BUGFIX: Values larger than 32767 result in a run-time error when using Offset Order
BUGFIX: Keyboard AutoAnswer Enabled checkbox remains checked after saving unchecked value
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History (2.0 beta to [19386]
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19387]
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19388]
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19389]
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Change History ( to [19548]
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