This article applies to:
E-Prime 2.0
This item was introduced in E-Prime 2.0 (
The following table outlines upgrading an experiment from a previous version of E-Prime 2.0 or 1.x to a version greater than or equal to To determine the version of E-Prime used, open E-Studio and go to Help > About E-Studio. The features in the table are listed in an order that will have the most impact on experiments.
Feature | New Value | Upgrade Value | Comment |
Object.PreRelease=SameAsDuration | Available | Available | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. Use of new PreRelease=(same as duration) is recommended for new paradigms. TIMING: PreRelease defaults changed to promote better timing accuracy [17936]. |
Procedure.GeneratePostRun | AfterObjectRun | AfterObjectRun | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. TIMING: Pre-Run and Post-Run Generation [22854]. |
Procedure.GeneratePreRun | TopOfProcedure | BeforeObjectRun | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. TIMING: Pre-Run and Post-Run Generation [22854]. |
List.NoRepeatAfterReset | Enabled | Disabled | Upgrade sets new feature/proper ty to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. INFO: Ability to not have repeated values after shuffle [17189]. |
InputMask.TimeLimit | Available | Available | Update introduces (end of proc) and (until feedback) TimeLimit options. Upgrade will use value in legacy experiment. Use of (until feedback) TimeLimit value is recommended for objects that have a FeedbackDisplay for new paradigms. INFO: InputMask.TimeLimit (until feedback) option [19098] and INFO: InputMask.TimeLimit (end of proc) option [18043]. |
Display.FlippingEnabled | Enabled | Disabled | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. Consider using this feature for new paradigms to help reduce display tearing. AV: DisplayDevice.FlippingEnabled [18483]. |
Feedback.ProcessInputObjectPendingInputMasks | Enabled | Disabled | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. Use of ProcessInputObjectPendingInputMasks is recommended for new paradigms since (same as duration) is the default for PreRelease on new objects. INFO: FeedbackDisplay.ProcessInputObjectPendingInputMasks to assist with proper display and logging [17931]. |
Display.RefreshAlignment | Enabled (25%) | Disabled (0%) | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. TIMING: RefreshAlignment locks into nearest refresh vertical blank to promote timing accuracy [18035]. |
ToolboxDefaults | Available | Available | Toolbox defaults will use new settings for features. Adding new objects to an upgraded experiment which may not be using new properties/features poses a risk to timing and design considerations. TIMING: Pre-Run and Post-Run Generation [22854]. |
Object.ResetLoggingProperties | Enabled | Disabled | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. Use of ResetLoggingProperties is recommended for new paradigms. INFO: ResetLoggingProperties reset their logging properties at begin of each Procedure run [17763]. |
Experiment Advisor | Available | no stats selected | Experiment Advisor is available to upgraded experiments, but no LoadTime, OnsetDelay, or OnsetToOnset stats are collected by default. Consider enabling the collection of stats for objects that also log other properties after upgrading experiment. INFO: Experiment Advisor Module [19051]. |
EndAction Terminate | TerminateOwnerOnly | TerminateOwnerOnly | Previous versions of E-Prime terminated currently running object which was not expected. Updated E-Prime 2.0 only terminates the object in which the end action started. Experiments that rely on the legacy behavior should be modified to use Jump instead. INFO: EndResponseAction=Terminate behavior changed [18036]. |
AttribSense | Enabled | Enabled | AttribSense only affects the design productivity experience and is not considered to impact timing or design significantly. INFO: Ability to use an open bracket for AttribSense to provide a list of available Attribute references [17843]. |
Auto Response | Enabled | Enabled | Auto Response is a new Feature for E-Prime 2.0 Professional (2.0.10.x) and behavior of an upgraded experiment is expected to have the same functionality from previous versions of E-Prime since Auto Response is disabled by default E-STUDIO: Auto Response [22738]. |
Conditional Exit | Enabled | Enabled | Conditional Exit is a new Feature for E-Prime 2.0 Professional (2.0.10.x) and behavior of an upgraded experiment is expected to have the same functionality from previous versions of E-Prime since it is disabled by default. INFO: Conditional Exit (Graceful Abort) [17943]. |
Constants for Literal Strings | Enabled | Enabled | Constants for Literal Strings is a new Feature for E-Prime 2.0 Professional (2.0.10.x) and behavior of an upgraded experiment is expected to have the same functionality from previous versions of E-Prime since its usage is coercing the strings to use constants and their effective result in the runtime is intended to be identical. ERROR: E-Basic Script Generation uses constants for literal strings [19049]. |
Default file name text box | Enabled | Enabled | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. |
Display.RefreshRate | (unspecified) | (unspecified) | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. INFO: Ability to specify RefreshRate in DisplayDevice GUI [18279]. |
E-Run Test | Available | Available | Feature was not available in previous versions of E-Prime and would not affect run of experiment. E-STUDIO: Auto Response [22738]. |
Joystick InputMask | Available | Available | Feature was not available in previous versions of E-Prime and would not affect run of experiment. INFO: Joystick Device [17152]. |
Joystick Open | Available | Unchanged | The recommended creation of JoystickDevice via the GUI will require no changes. JoystickDevice created via E-Basic script is will require syntax change. INFO: Joystick Device [17152]. |
JoystickPositionData | Available | Available | Feature was not available in previous versions of E-Prime and would not affect run of experiment. INFO: Joystick Device [17152]. |
Multiple Correct Answer | Available | Unchanged | Feature was not available in previous versions of E-Prime and would not affect run of experiment. INFO: Ability to specify multiple correct answers [17284]. |
Object.StopAfterMode | NextOnsetTime | OffsetTime | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. AV: StopAfterMode introduced for Movie and Sound objects [18964]. |
Object.StretchMode | Both | Both | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. INFO: Ability to lock aspect ratio for scaling images when using Stretch property [17656]. |
Output file links | Available | Available | Feature only affects design experience. INFO: Experiment Advisor Module [19051]. |
Package Shortcuts | Available | Available | Feature only affects design experience. |
Parallel Port Device | Available | Available | Hex address will need to be changed to port number. DEVICE: Parallel Port Device [17150] |
Procedure.ChildItems script property | Available | Available | Feature was not available in previous versions of E-Prime and would not affect run of experiment. E-BASIC: Expose collection of Procedure child items [16844] |
Procedure.FlushDataLog | Disabled | Disabled | Upgrade sets new feature/property to behave in a legacy manner or uses value stored in legacy experiment file. DATA: Procedure FlushDataLog option [16774]. |
Procedure.GenerateLabels | Enabled | Enabled | Feature was not available in previous versions of E-Prime and would not affect run of experiment. E-STUDIO: Procedure.GenerateLabels Property [28313]. |
Rte.PreventSystemIdle | Enabled | Enabled | Monitors experiment so that attempts to put experiment to sleep do not occur. Low risk for older experiment. E-BASIC: Rte.PreventSystemIdle method [19036] |
ScriptSense and LineNumbers in Full, User, and InLine Script | Available | Available | Feature only affects design experience. E-BASIC: ScriptSense - Function Completion similar to Intellisense (TM) in E-Basic script windows [17565]. |
Serial Device COM Port | Available | Available | Use of COM numbers higher than 4 not previous available. INFO: How do I verify the port number being used by the SRBox? [18028]. |
SocketDevice | Available | Available | Newer features of UDP and ByteOrder were not previous available. INFO: Legacy Methods to Send Markers to an External Device [17212] and DEVICE: Socket Device supports TCP and UDP communication [16877]. |
SRBOX com number | Available | Available | Newer features of UDP and ByteOrder were not previous available. INFO: How do I verify the port number being used by the SRBox? [18028]. |
Subject Dialog | Does not include range | Unchanged | Legacy experiments used 0-32767 for min/max and prompt, new experiments do not list expanded range. INFO: Specifying a Subject number during Startup Info prompts [17161]. |
Task Events | Available | Available | New feature not available in legacy experiments. E-STUDIO: Configuring Task Events [24789]. |
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