This article applies to:
E-Prime Go 1.0
One of the following error messages occurs in an E-Prime Go experiment that uses either the ParallelPort or Port device:
Currently, there is not support for experiments using the ParallelPort / Port device in E-Prime Go. Researchers wishing to use the ParallelPort / Port device must follow the workaround below.
NOTE: Experiments can still be packed that include the ParallelPort device.
Researchers need to have the Port Driver installed on data collection machines. To do this, PortDriverInstaller.exe must be downloaded from the bottom of the Knowledge Base article ERROR: Unable to install PST Port Driver error prevents E-Prime installation [31283]. Once installed, experiments using the ParallelPort / Port can be run if the device in E-Prime is configured properly (i.e., correct Port value, etc.).
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go 1.0 Known Issues [34992]
DEVICE: Parallel Port Device [17150]
DEVICE: Sending and Receiving signals via the Parallel Port [30360]
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