This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
This article is for users who have purchased an upgrade from E-Prime 2.0 (Standard or Professional) to E-Prime 3.0.
NOTE: For users who have E-Prime 3.0 Update 3 or later installed but have an Upgrade license, you must validate the Upgrade USB License Key in a version of E-Prime prior to Update 3. For more information see LICENSE: Upgrade keys purchased before E-Prime 3.0 Update 3 ( [38439]
In order to complete the upgrade, users need to complete a one-time validation in which both licenses need to be connected to the machine. After the validation, both keys will continue to work with their respective products.
In this article, the "old" key is the E-Prime 2.0 (Standard or Professional) key. The "new" key is the E-Prime 3.0 Upgrade license.
NOTE: You still need your E-Prime 2.0 (Professional or Standard) key to open E-Studio 2.0.
PST recommends performing the validation on a native Windows machine. The steps to validate the key are outlined below:
1) Install E-Prime 3.0. During installation, be sure to use the Upgrade serial number that was shipped with the new USB License Key (see INSTALL: Installation, Updates, and Upgrades [22670]).
2) Plug in both the old and new USB License Keys. Make sure that both keys are recognized by Windows.
3) Open E-Studio (E-Prime 3.0). A prompt appears to accept the validation terms.
4) Check the "I have read the information..." box and select the "Start Upgrade Validation" button to start the validation process. The validation status window appears.
5) Remove all keys from the system when instructed to. The wizard will search for a qualifying upgrade.
6) Attach the old USB License Key. The search status will proceed through a number of updates. At this time, the key will be marked so that it cannot be used in another upgrade. Once the upgrade is qualified, the "Qualifying Upgrade" progress will change to "Completed".
7) Remove all keys from the system when instructed to. The wizard prompts to validate the upgrade.
8) Attach the new USB License Key. The wizard will validate the key and automatically close once the upgrade is validated.
See Also:
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