This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
E-Prime supports license keys that are accessed on the cloud, connected to your machine's USB port, or connected to a USB port on a server machine (on the same network as your local machine). A failure to abide by the following guidelines generates errors messages such as "The system is in violation of the license agreement" or "The grace period for use without a Copy Protection device has expired." If a machine already abides by the guidelines below and still receives licensing errors, please see LICENSE: E-Prime 3.0 License Violation and Grace Period dialogs [23677] and LICENSE: E-Prime 2.0 License Violation and Grace Period dialogs [19520].
Remote Desktop and Virtual Machines
The following table lists PST's rules if using E-Prime's licensing with Remote Desktop and Virtual Machines:
License Type / Virtualization Method | Remote Desktop | Virtual Machine |
Single User USB License | Permitted but not Supported* | Permitted but not Supported |
Group USB License | Permitted but not Supported | Permitted but not Supported |
Single User Cloud License | Permitted but not Supported |
Permitted but not Supported |
Group Cloud License | Permitted but not Supported |
Permitted but not Supported |
Detached Cloud License | Permitted but not Supported |
Not Permitted Not Supported |
USB Licensing for E-Studio on a virtual/cloud server
There must be a way for client machines to access the USB key when using a virtual or cloud server to host a Perpetual Group or Annual Group License (i.e., such as a USB-over-IP converter). For further information on available third-party solutions, please contact Thales (the key manufacturer) through their Customer Support page
Remote access to a Perpetual Group or Annual Group License
Group licenses support remote access by broadcasting the license over an active internet connection. This does not require you to connect to your institution’s network remotely (i.e., through a VPN or similar service) or to use any remote desktop software to remote into your work machine on your institution's network.
Your IT department must decide if this is allowed per your institution’s guidelines. If so, they must configure the server machine's Sentinel ACC settings to broadcast the license to remote client machines. You must then configure your offsite machine's Sentinel ACC settings to search for the Group/Network License key. This requires an active internet connection on your machine and the server machine. You may need to allow communication through firewall and antivirus programs on port 1947 (INFO: Windows Firewall Permissions with E-Prime [26269]).
NOTE: See the section on "Configuring Access to Remote License Managers" in LICENSE: How to Install a Perpetual Group License or a Network License [25285] for more details.
Licensing when remotely connecting to your institution's network via VPN
You can access a Perpetual Group or Annual Group License on the network through a VPN (or similar service).
If onsite machines are able to access the Perpetual Group or Annual Group License, but you are not able to access it on your offsite machine via a VPN or similar service, you may need to enable the "Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses" option.
NOTE: The "Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses" checkbox is no longer present as of HASP driver version 8.31.
First, navigate to the HASP License Manager Admin Control Center (ACC) at by entering http://localhost:1947 into the address bar of your internet browser of choice. Only a functional HASP driver is required to access the ACC. Click "Configuration" among the Options on the left side of the ACC and then select the Access to Remote License Managers tab. The "Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses" checkbox is the third checkbox from the top and is unchecked by default.
NOTE: You may need to allow a few minutes for your machine to find the key.
If the key is still not found, enter the Server IP or machine name in the Remote License Search Parameters. For more information, see http://localhost:1947/_int_/ACC_help_config_remote_lms.html.
See Also:
BUG: E-Prime 3.0 Single User Hardware License causes a license violation with remote access [40308]*
LICENSE: Group USB License (Network) FAQ and Troubleshooting [18289]
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