This article applies to:
E-Prime Go 1.0
The following error message occur in an E-Prime Go experiment that uses the SRBox device with the correct COM port number on 32-bit systems:
Unable to run the task.
Message: The Task run has failed.
Number 10051
Message: An error occurred while attempting to open the device.
Device Name: SRBox
Error: 0x00004a46
Message: Unable to open the SRBOX: 0x00000103
The SRBox Device Driver may not be installed.
Currently, there is not support for experiments using the SRBox device in E-Prime Go on 32-bit machines. Researchers wishing to use the SRBox device on 32-bit machines must follow one of the workarounds below.
Workaround 1:
Researchers need to have the Serial Driver installed on data collection machines. To do this, SRBoxDriverInstaller.exe must be downloaded from the bottom of this Knowledge Base article.
Once installed, experiments using the SRBox can be run if the device in E-Prime is configured property (i.e., correct Port value, etc.).
NOTE: The driver is not needed on 64-bit machines. Attempting to install the 32-bit driver on a 64-bit machine will result in an error during installation.
Workaround 2:
Add a StarupInfo parameter named "SRBox.ForceUM" with a value of "1". Note that proper configuration of the device in E-Prime is still required (i.e., correct Port value, etc.).
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go 1.0 Known Issues [34992]
DEVICE: How To: Serial Port Communication [25287]
DEVICE: Serial Device [17355]
INSTALL: E-Prime 1.x Support for Windows Vista and 7 [18069]
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