This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime offers different licensing models depending on the number of users who need simultaneous access. Perpetual or Annual Group Licenses (formerly "Network License") enable up to the number of maximum concurrent users covered by the license to run the E-Studio application simultaneously. The Group License comes with a single blue USB License Key for E-Prime 3.0; the Group License comes with a single red USB License Key for E-Prime 2.0. The USB License Key must be attached to a computer that acts as a server. The client computers that are running E-Prime must be able to communicate with the server in order to access the USB License Key. Conversely, the Single User License enables one user to run the E-Studio application at a time. The E-Prime 3.0 Single User License comes with a white USB License Key which must be connected to the computer in order to run E-Prime.
NOTE: For information on the E-Prime Evaluation License, which provides access to an evaluation version of E-Prime 3 without requiring a license key, see RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Evaluation Version [18278].
NOTE: The server computer that hosts the Group License cannot be used to run E-Prime; see LICENSE: Group USB License (Network) FAQ and Troubleshooting [18289] for details.
Setting up the server computer for a Group License requires the following steps:
1) Prepare your server computer
The first step is to prepare the server computer to host the USB License Key by installing the latest HASP driver. To ensure the latest Sentinel HASP/LDK driver is used, please install via the link to Thales' website found in this article:
LICENSE: Downloading the latest HASP driver [27703]
NOTE: The latest HASP driver is typically compatible with a wide variety of operating systems beyond the client versions of Windows that support E-Prime, e.g., Windows Server, MacOS, Linux, etc. The following site includes all of the downloadable driver installation options for the HASP driver:
2) Configure network access
The next step is to configure access to the USB License Key on the server machine. To do this, first open any browser and type the following URL (no internet connection required):
To verify that the key is functioning as expected, click on the Sentinel Keys link under the Options heading on the left-hand side of the page. You should see your Perpetual Group License listed. Once you have verified that the Network License is listed under the Sentinel Keys link, click on the Configuration link. In the Configuration window, click on the Access from Remote Clients tab. Examine the following settings and change as needed:
Allow Access from Remote Clients
Please ensure that either "Cloud licenses require identity. Other licenses are accessible by all clients." or "All licenses are accessible without need of identity" is selected. Otherwise, the client computers will not be able to access the USB License Key.
Access Restrictions.
This section allows you to set up limits for who can have access to this license. Under this listing, you can input specific IP addresses, a range of IP address, or input part of an IP address with a wildcard character. For more information on how to restrict access based on the client computer’s IP address, click on the Help button.
3) Prepare the client computers
Each client computer needs to be set up to access the USB License Key on the server computer. Each client computer needs the HASP driver that was installed in Step #1 on the server. To do this, install E-Prime on the machine or manually install the HASP driver provided in step #1 on your client computers. This allows the license that is being broadcast across the network to be used on the client computers.
If the client does not see the Server key listed in http://localhost:1947 on the Sentinel Keys tab, navigate to the Configuration page and select Access to Remote License Managers. Enable the "Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses" option if available (see NOTE below). If the client computer is still unable to find the server after enabling aggressive search, then specify either the server’s IP Address or machine name in the Remote License Search Parameters.
NOTE: The Sentinel License Manager server opens socket 1947 for listening (both for UDP and TCP packets). If a client computer consistently fails to access the USB License Key and displays access violation errors when launching E-Studio, then please make sure that your firewall does not block this port on both the Server and Client machines.
NOTE: The "Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses" checkbox is no longer present as of HASP driver version 8.31.
See Also:
LICENSE: Group USB License (Network) FAQ and Troubleshooting [18289]
LICENSE: Virtual and remote licensing limitations [36982]
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