This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime offers an Evaluation mode for users who would like to test E-Prime's capabilities before purchasing the full product. E-Prime can be placed in the Evaluation mode by selecting the Evaluation button during E-Prime Registration.
After Evaluation is selected during the Registration screen, a dialog appears that provides more information on the Evaluation version. Selecting "Yes" continues installing the Evaluation version.
The E-Prime Evaluation version is recommended for users who have not purchased the full version of E-Prime yet. The list below shows certain caveats that come with the Evaluation version's reduced functionality:
- Evaluation mode experiments can only be opened on the local machine on which they were created. If opened on another machine, a message indicating that the experiment can only be opened on the local machine on which it was created shall be presented.
- Evaluation mode experiments have centisecond timing accuracy for reaction time measures; not millisecond timing.
- Evaluation mode experiments have a reduced number of trials.
- The data files are marked as Evaluation.
- A prompt occurs to the user to enter a non-Evaluation serial number each time the E-Studio application is launched.
- Evaluation users are not eligible for technical support.
- The E-Run application cannot be opened.
See Also:
LICENSE: Understanding E-Prime and Runtime Licenses [22672]
Legacy End User Comments
Kyoung-Uk Lee 9/7/2012 4:16 | If I want to read es2 file with my computer with the licensed version EPRIME2.0, How can I do? The es2 file was made from other computer with evaluation version. Thanks. |
Brandon Cernicky 9/10/2012 16:07 | The intention/restriction of the evaluation/demo mode is for determining if E-Prime should be purchased by the lab. Submitting a web request via may allow for one paradigm from the evaluation to be converted to your full license. |
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