This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 3.0 provides the user the ability to upgrade experiments that were originally designed in E-Prime 1.x and E-Prime 2.0 (Professional and Standard) to the new .es3 experiment file format.
The following experiment file formats can be upgraded to the current .es3 format:
- .es files created in E-Prime 1.2
- .es2 files created in E-Prime
- .es2 files created in E-Prime, E-Prime, E-Prime
When you choose to Open a file from E-Studio 3, it only shows .es3 files by default. You need to change the dropdown option to see other files and then open .es or .es2 files:
When loading an .es or .es2 file into E-Prime 3.0, the system notifies you that the experiment is from an older version of E-Prime and requires upgrading:
NOTE: Upgrading the experiment to the .es3 format cannot be undone. However, the original .es or .es2 file is still preserved. Clicking 'No' cancels the upgrade operation.
Upgraded experiment files maintain the original file's Toolbox Defaults.
Although there are several new defaults in E-Prime 3.0, the ONLY changes that are enabled upon upgrading .es or .es2 files to the .es3 format is the addition of two new devices: the ButtonDevice and ScriptDevice.
Experiments created in E-Prime 3.0 (.es3 files) cannot be opened in E-Prime 2.0. This is because E-Prime 3.0 has many new features not supported in E-Prime 2.0.
See Also:
INSTALL: Upgrading and Updating from a Previous Version of E-Prime [22673]
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