This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
A black area may remain on the screen where an Echo was displayed.
A black area may appear on the screen after an Echo is dismissed. This black area may persist on to the next E-Object that is presented.
Place the following script after the E-Object that has an Echo in order to detach it. Make sure you are aware of PreRelease.
'Make sure no echo is left attached
Dim currentEchoClient As EchoClient
Set currentEchoClient = CEchoClient(Display.EchoClients.Item(1))
As an alternative to using the Echo Client, E-Prime 3.0 users can use SlideButtons to display string input. Please refer to Slide Button Echo [33141] for a sample experiment.
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: Known Issues in E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 ( [27789]
TIMING: Using PreRelease to Maintain Millisecond Timing [17760]
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