This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
The last frame of a SlideMovie disappears when the cursor is placed over a SlideButton (within the same Slide).
When playing a SlideMovie and there is a SlideButton on the same Slide, moving the cursor over a SlideButton (Hover) causes the SlideMovie to disappear. Additionally, this occurs if the cursor initially appears over the SlideButton and is moved away from after the SlideMovie reaches it's last frame.
Call SlideMovie.StopPosition prior to the end time of the video. The frame on which the movie stops on will be displayed on the screen even while a button is hovered over.
For example, if the movie file is 2 seconds long, set the SlideMovie.StopPosition to 00:00:01.500 ( The SlideMovie will stop at 1.5 seconds and the current frame will stay displayed. This may require some videos to be lengthened with additional time to handle the early StopPosition.
Dim theMovie As SlideMovie
Set theMovie = CSlideMovie(Stimulus.ActiveObjects("Movie1"))
theMovie.StopPosition = "00:00:01.500"
For further information on scripting using E-Basic, please refer to the E-Prime Command Reference (
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: Known Issues in E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 ( [27789]
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