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E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro 3.2
If an EET 3.0 or 3.1 experiment is updated to an EET 3.2 experiment, we recommend that users update the method used to save gaze data. Older versions of EET use a mixture of PackageCalls (i.e., TETOpenGazeDataFile and TETCloseGazeDataFile) and script (i.e., User and InLine script) to save gaze data. EET 3.2 introduces new PackageCalls (TETGazeDataOpen, TETGazeDataClose, TETGazeDataSave) and does not require any script in order to save gaze data. For example, the Hit Test (determines what the participant was looking at during the experiment) is calculated by the TETGazeDataSave routine in the EET 3.2 PackageFile. This negates the need for the Hit Test script in the SaveGazeData InLine. EET 3.2 continues to support the older method, but we encourage the adoption of the 3.2 release-specific method. The image below illustrates both approaches.
NOTE: EET 2.0 is configured in the same manner as EET 3.0 / 3.1.
Since EET 3.2 supports the earlier save gaze data methodology, no error occurs if an experiment includes both sets of PackageCalls and the 3.0/3.1 script. However, since each method produces its own uniquely-named text file, an experiment that uses both techniques produces two different gaze data files:
In the image below, the file with the extension type of "GAZEDATA File" is the EET 3.0 / 3.1 gaze data file. The file with "GazeData" in the filename (i.e., TETFixedPositionAOI-1-1-GazeData) is the EET 3.2 file.
We recommend using the data from the 3.2 file since it contains more information than the 3.0/3.1 file:
- Pupil gaze data is now included by default in the file (see INFO: Obtaining Pupil GazeData in EET 3.1 [27346]).
- TETGazeDataSave can be configured with the vStimulusName parameter to log the dependent measures (i.e., ACC, CRESP, RESP and RT) for a stimulus presentation object.
Further, the EET 3.2. PackageCalls allow for a greater customization of the gaze data file:
- The 3.2. file allows users to write data based on conditional statements with the TETGazeDataSetPropertyMatch and TETGazeDataSetPropertyNumeric PackageCalls.
- TETGazeDataSetPropertyOneShot allows for a single value to be sent to the gaze data file at a specified time.
NOTE: Although you can have both methods of saving gaze data in an experiment, we do not recommend having both save gaze data methods in an experiment at the same time. The EET 3.2 save gaze data method has proven to be faster than the older method (1 second for 45 seconds of 1200hz data as opposed to 7 seconds in prior EET versions). Having both methods may add unnecessary delays to trials due to the time required to process the gaze data twice and save it twice.
Because EET 3.2 no longer relies on using InLine script to generate the GazeData file, the "CurrentObject" property no longer needs to be manually specified. Previously, this was specified in the SaveGazeData InLine. Now the definition of "CurrentObject" is automatically handled by the EET 3.2 PackageFile. The old definition roughly represents the current onscreen object, while the new definition now represents the current onscreen object that is being looked at by the participant. INFO: CurrentObject definition in EET 3.2 versus older EET versions [34529] provides more insight into the definition change for CurrentObject, as well as a sample experiment that includes the old definition as a custom column through EET 3.2 PackageCall routines.
The property "ComponentName" is a sub-property of "CurrentObject" (e.g., CurrentObject is “Slide1” and ComponentName is “SlideText1” on "Slide1"). ComponentName is the particular Slide sub-object that is being looked at while CurrentObject is the Slide object. The property "CurrentFixationDuration" is the amount of time a fixation occurs during the CurrentObject and ComponentName.
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