This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
This item was introduced in E-Prime 2.0 (
When double clicking an .ebs3/.ebs2 file on a system that has more than one edition of E-Prime (Suite, Subject Station, Run-Time), E-Run will show a dialog that indicates which version of E-Run should run the experiment.
When there is a direct match, for example an .ebs3 was generated on a system and is run on, then no prompt will occur and the experiment will automatically run.
We recommend using the version of E-Run in which the experiment was generated (for continuing studies). When this is not possible to match the runtime, the E-Run resolver dialog will indicate which version is preferred. In general, the resolver dialog will suggest a runtime that is later/newer than the .ebs2 file. For example, if the .ebs2 file was generated in but only and are on your system, the resolver will suggest
If you choose a runtime that cannot handle the .ebs3/.ebs2 file, the E-Run dialog will indicate the failure condition.
To assist with matching the .ebs3/.ebs2 to the runtime available, regenerate the experiment file (i.e., .es3/.es2) in the appropriate matched version.
NOTE: In general for E-Prime 2.0, installing an older Subject Station on a machine with a newer Subject Station will not affect the resolver associations. The exception to this case would be if the system is E-Prime or prior or performing a repair on any installation. When this occurs double clicking on an .ebs2 may not resolve properly. To remedy this situation, open the newest E-Run from the Start Menu. When doing so it will detect if the .ebs2 file association is correct and prompt to update if there are any issues.
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