This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
When specifying a StartPosition for a Movie Object or SlideMovie sub-object, the video incorrectly snaps to the previous frame when using the precise frame value. Therefore, the desired starting frame appears a frame later.
When specifying a millisecond value, E-Prime must snap to a valid frame. For example, if the video is 25 frames per second, a new frame is displayed every 40 milliseconds. If you specify the StartPosition as 40 milliseconds, E-Prime snaps back to the first frame instead of the starting on the second frame.
Specify the StartPosition as the desired StartPosition + 1 ms. For example, if you want to start a video at its 5 second TimeStamp (and a new frame exists at 5 seconds), set the StartPosition as 00:00:05.001 so that the first frame displayed is the correct one at the 5 second mark.
NOTE: If the StartPosition + 1 ms still is not starting from the correct frame, try re-encoding the video to a different format. PST has found that .wmv works best.
See Also:
INFO: Matching video frame rate to refresh rate [37037]
RELEASE INFO: Known Issues in E-Prime 3.0 Update 2 ( [27789]
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