This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0 SP1
E-Prime 2.0 Professional
This item has been introduced in E-Prime 2.0 SP1.
The Celeritas System is a fiber optic response collection system that accurately gathers participant responses from the Celeritas Button Response Unit (BRU), the Celeritas Joystick, and/or a standard desktop joystick. For information about Celeritas's capabilities, see Celeritas Fiber Optic Response System.
Celeritas can be run out of the box in HID mode or in conjunction with E-Prime. Running Celeritas in conjunction with E-Prime offers the following benefits:
- Ability to customize responses and key mappings with the Celeritas Joystick
- Automatic synchronization with E-Prime's clock for improved response time accuracy
- Ensures every response is time stamped for increased reliability
Celeritas does not appear as an available device within E-Studio until the Celeritas System software has been installed. Once the Celeritas System software has been installed, Celeritas appears as an available device in the "Add Devices" dialog. To access the Celeritas device, double-click the Experiment Object at the top of the Structure window, navigate to the Devices tab, and click the "Add" button.
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