- STEP: N-Back Test [35375]
- STEP: Digit Span [34570]
- STEP: Abstractness, Imagery, and Meaningfulness in Paired-Associate Learning [35356]
- STEP: Altering Retrieval Demands Reverses the Picture Superiority Effect [35339]
- STEP: Characteristics of Word Encoding [35345]
- STEP: High Speed Scanning in Human Memory [35304]
- STEP: Creating False Memories [35287]
- STEP: Primary Memory [35330]
- STEP: Availability Versus Accessibility of Information in Memory for Words [35320]
- STEP: Associative Encoding and Retrieval [35312]
- STEP: On the Genesis of Abstract Ideas [35277]
- STEP: Short-term Retention of Individual Verbal Items [35273]
- STEP: An Experimental Study of Memory [35191]
- STEP: Can Imagery be Distinguished from Other Forms of Internal Representation [35217]
- STEP: Perceptual Enhancement: Persistent Effects of an Experience [35169]
- STEP: Depth of Processing and the Retention of Words in Episodic Memory [35113]
- STEP: Some Tests of the Decay Theory of Immediate Memory [35089]
- STEP: Memory for the Pragmatic Implications of Sentences [35086]
- STEP: Time Required to Prepare for a Rotated Stimulus [35105]
- STEP: Acoustic Confusions in Immediate Memory [35091]
- STEP: The Abstraction of Linguistic Ideas [35063]
- STEP: The Role of Rehearsal in Short-Term Memory [35114]
- STEP: Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity [35090]
- STEP: Mental Imagery and Associative Learning [35060]
- STEP: Baddeley - Acoustic Similarity [34660]