Experiment Design with E-Studio
This section contains general information on designing experiments in E-Studio. For Script specific information, see the script section.
- INFO: Logging the Computer Name during runtime [42626]
- INFO: Using Nested Lists [40942]
- INFO: E-Prime Draws the current Display-based E-Object on top of the previous Display-based E-Object [34479]
- INFO: Use of Colon in E-Studio [34587]
- INFO: .CRESP appears Blank or Missing when InputMask.Timeout does not execute and the Input Mask Terminates [34573]
- INFO: {key} naming scheme [35229]
- INFO: Cannot locate E-Prime Samples and Tutorials [31362]
- DEVICE: Ability to change display device used for dialogs (e.g., MsgBox) [18090]
- INFO: SlideButtons overlay SlideMovies [30761]
- INFO: Ability to have multiple experiments (instances of E-Studio) open at the same time [17672]
- INFO: Ability to access Slide toolbar commands from context (right click) menu [17992]
- DEVICE: Recording Button Releases [17990]
- INFO: Experiment object offers check box to enable or disable the ability to load StartupInfo external files [18395]
- INFO: Custom SlideSlider Indicator [30609]
- INFO: Specifying a non response as a correct response [17234]
- INFO: Populate List Object from tab-delimited text file at runtime by setting LoadMethod = File [17986]
- INFO: Ability to log Onset To Onset times [16765]
- INFO: Property ToolTips shows additional object information in Structure view [18358]
- INFO: Adding New or Custom Fonts to E-Studio [17988]
- INFO: E-Studio makes backup copy of experiment file (.es) [17247]
- INFO: Joystick Device [17152]
- INFO: Procedure.ProcessPendingInputMasks [19271]
- INFO: Ability to enable or disable property tooltips [19276]
- INFO: E-Studio provides direct access to Device Manager, Sound, and Joystick Control Panel applets [19558]
- INFO: InputMask.TimeLimit (end of proc) option [18043]
- INFO: EndResponseAction=Terminate behavior changed [18036]
- INFO: Ability to Copy/Paste objects in E-Studio [17132]
- INFO: Populate List Object from Excel XML file at runtime by setting LoadMethod = File [17126]
- INFO: Ability to copy or clone SlideStates [17163]
- INFO: Default X/Y for Slide components to be percentage [17010]