An E-Prime software license must be registered and validated before the E-Studio application can be used; a Runtime software license must be registered before the E-Run application can be used. This article describes how to do so. The Registration and Validation process requires a serial number; see INFO: How to Register for Support and Access Downloads [27523] for instructions on how to locate the serial number. See INSTALL: E-Prime and Runtime Installation Details [22671] for more information about different E-Prime licenses and installation options.
The E-Prime installer allows the license’s User, Institution, and Serial Number to be entered, although these values can be left unspecified(INSTALL: Installation, Updates, and Upgrades [22670]). The Registration dialog shown below appears when the E-Studio application is launched for the first time after installing the software. Information that was entered during installation appears in this dialog. If the User, Institution, and/or Serial Number were not entered during installation then they must be entered in the Registration dialog before the E-Studio application can be opened. Cloud License users may also have to enter their Identity in the Registration dialog box; see LICENSE: Deployment of Cloud Licenses [38187] for more information.
The Registration dialog for the Runtime software is similar but does not include the Identity field.
NOTE: See BUG: E-Prime Runtime wizard does not pass Customer Information [40224] for a known issue when Registering the Runtime software.
Before Registering and Validating an E-Prime license:
- USB License users must ensure that the USB License Key is attached to the E-Prime computer (for Single User licenses) or to the computer acting as the server (for Network or Group USB licenses)
- Cloud License- and Group or Network USB License- users must ensure that the E-Prime computer has an internet connection (see LICENSE: How to Install a Perpetual Group License or a Network License [25285] for details).
The Registration dialog typically appears only when E-Studio is opened for the first time after installing the E-Prime software. However, it can also be evoked from the E-Studio application. To do so, select "About E-Studio" from the Help menu in E-Studio and click on the Change License button; this causes the Registration dialog to be shown the next time E-Studio is opened. The information associated with a serial number, such as the User Name, can be modified from the Registration dialog. The serial number can also be changed from the Registration dialog; this can be helpful if users have both a Cloud License and a USB License and want to change which license is being used.
Follow the steps below to register an E-Prime license:
Launch E-Studio, either for the first time after installing E-Prime or after clicking on the Change License Button in a prior E-Studio session.
Read and accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).
Enter or correct as needed the following information in the Registration dialog:
Username- the name of the user registering the E-Prime system
Institution- the institution or company associated with the E-Prime license
Serial Number- the E-Prime serial number
Identity (Cloud License users only)- the Cloud License Identity ID (see below)
Press OK to register the system.
Follow the same steps above to register the E-Run application from a Runtime license or Subject Station installation, launching E-Run instead of E-Studio in Step 1. The "Identity" field will not appear in the Registration dialog.
Cloud License Registration Details
Cloud Licenses are managed in the License Portal (LICENSE: The PST License Portal [39800]). Cloud Licenses require either a Machine Name or an Identify to complete the Registration Process. If the Machine Name that is associated with an Identity matches the E-Prime computer’s name then the Identity field can be left blank; in this case Registration is completed by specifying the Username, Institution and Serial Number. (During the Validation Process which follows, E-Prime will match the Identity's machine name with the computer's machine name and therefore validate the identity.) If an Identity’s Machine Name does not match the E-Prime computer’s name or has not been assigned, then the Identity must be entered on the Registration dialog by doing the following:
Navigate to the Cloud License Identity in the License Portal using the link at the top of the Registration dialog.
Click on the Copy Button in the License Portal after selecting the Identity; this copies both the Identity and the Serial Number associated with the Identity to the clipboard.
Click on the Paste button (shown below) in the Registration dialog to paste both the Serial Number for the Cloud License and the Identity Registration Dialog. See the License Portal article referenced above for specific instructions on configuring a Cloud License and navigating within the License Portal interface.
NOTE: Users with a USB License Key can also use the Paste button in the Registration Box to copy their Serial Number if it was copied to the clipboard previously, for example from the PST Support Account page.
Evaluation Mode
The E-Prime Registration dialog includes an option to use E-Prime in Evaluation Mode. This mode does not require a Serial Number, a USB License Key or an active Cloud License. For more information, please refer to RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Evaluation Version [18278].
Access Codes (Cloud Licenses only)
NOTE: Implementation of this feature is ongoing. Content will be available shortly on this feature.
After completing Registration and clicking the OK button, E-Prime checks the registration information. If it is correct, then the license is validated and the E-Studio or E-Run application opens. If the information is incorrect then a dialog appears stating what caused validation to fail. Please view LICENSE: E-Prime 3.0 License Violation and Grace Period dialogs [23677] for more information on errors that can occur in the validation process.
Next Article: INSTALL: Upgrading and Updating from a Previous Version of E-Prime [22673]
Previous Article: INSTALL: Installation, Updates, and Upgrades [22670]
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