This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
Experiment run on Windows 10 May 2019 Update (Version 1903) or Windows 10 November 2019 Update (Version 1909) cause E-Prime to either report the "Display is too busy" runtime error or freeze (Error 11102).
What are Windows 10 May 2019 and November 2019 Updates?
Windows 10 November 2019 Update (version 1909, build 18363) is the second major update to Windows 10 released in 2019.
Windows 10 May Update (version 1903, build 18362) is the first major update to Windows 10 released in 2019.
What is the impact on E-Prime?
One of E-Prime’s most important features is its ability to achieve and maintain millisecond accuracy. E-Prime takes numerous precautions to both ensure that your experiment’s timing is accurate and to monitor and flag when timing inaccuracies may be present.
With each Windows release, Psychology Software Tools performs a large battery of tests across a variety of configurations to confirm E-Prime's timing integrity. Our preliminary testing suggests has shown that experiments may freeze or produce the "Display Too Busy" error when run on systems that have NVIDIA or AMD chipsets. Users experiencing this runtime error or freezing should enable the workaround below.
NOTE: The "Display is too busy" error message can occur for other reasons, primarily when other external programs attempt to update the display during an experiment. The "Display is too busy" error is therefore not specific to the Windows 10 May 2019 Update issue.
The following workarounds are possible:
Workaround 1:
Upgrade to Windows 10 May 2020 Update (version 2004) or later.
NOTE: Please view ERROR: HASP driver issues on Windows 10 (version 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2) and 11 [35173] for more information in the event you encounter issues installating Windows 10 (version 2004). An updated HASP driver may be required.
This can be done via Windows Update, Update Assistant, or the Media Creation Tool. For more information, see and
Workaround 2:
Update to Service Content .693 or later ( To find your Windows 10 version number press Win + R > type "winver" > and press Enter.
If you encounter issues at low resolutions, with secondary screens, or are unable to update, perform Workaround 3.
Workaround 3:
Disable the Fullscreen Optimizations setting for E-Prime. This setting needs to be edited per user account.
Follow these steps to disable this setting:
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\PST\E-Prime 3.0\Program.
Find the E-Studio application.
Right-click on the E-Studio application and select Properties.
Navigate to the Compatibility tab in the E-Studio Properties.
Check "Disable full screen optimizations."
Click OK to confirm the changes.
NOTE: If using E-Run, perform steps 2-6 on the E-Run application.
NOTE: While PST's timing was accurate in-house, timing should be verified by external hardware to ensure millisecond accuracy. For example, users can verify timing by using Chronos and a photosensor to ensure that Stimulus onset and monitor refresh rates are accurate.
Workaround 4:
Optionally, you may refrain from upgrading your machine to Windows 10 1903/1909. Currently, this issue has not been reported on previous versions of Windows 10 (e.g., Windows 10 October Update (1809)).
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: Known Issues in E-Prime 3.0 [27789]
RELEASE INFO: Operating system (Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, and XP) support in E-Prime [18652]
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