This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 1.0
Experiment Author: C. Bonnemayer (DMKEP Maastricht University), Adapted from STEP and used with permission of Brian MacWhinney
Experiment Description
This demonstration version of the Implicit Attribution Task (IAT) presents 5 lists of words to be categorized. The test measures reaction time to categorize the word as belonging to either one or two categories.
Experiment Instructions
Participants are instructed to categorize words as being a flower, insect, positive, or negative by pressing a designated key. The mapping of keys to categories switches after the first 3 blocks.
Experiment Citation
Greenwald, A. G., McGhee, D. E., & Schwarz, J. L. K. (1998). Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: The Implicit Association Task. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1464-1480.
See Also:
Implicit Association Test (IAT) [30141]
Implicit Association Test (IAT) Using Words and Images [41909]
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