This article applies to:
E-Prime Extensions for EyeLink 3.0
ELSmoothPursuit tests a participant's ability to closely follow a moving object with their eyes.
Two experiments are attached to this article that highlight different methods to implement the smoot pursuit functionality. They are explained below.
ELSmoothPursuit_Videos displays a ball on the screen using video files (i.e., avi). Participants are instructed to follow the ball closely with their eyes. The ball travels horizontally, vertically, and in circles (both clockwise and counter-clockwise). Before each trial, the participant needs to perform a drift correction.
ELSmoothPursuit_SlideButton displays a ball on the screen using a SlideButton. Script based Task Events are used to manipulate the SlideButton as well as create IAs. Participants are instructed to follow the ball closely with their eyes. The ball travels horizontally, vertically, and in circles (both clockwise and counter-clockwise). Before each trial, the participant needs to perform a drift correction.
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