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E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro 3.2
EETVisualSearch tests a participant's ability to select a target animal from a display of 6 animals by directing their gaze on the target animal.
In this experiment, participants are instructed on each trial to find a specific animal. During the stimulus presentation, pictures of 6 animals are displayed. Participants must find the animal given as the prime as quickly and accurately as possible by focusing their gaze on the target animal. After the participant fixates upon an animal, response accuracy and reaction time feedback are provided.
The InLine script named "Initialize" both attaches the eye tracker to the mouse cursor and shows the cursor with the following script:
TobiiEyeTracker.AttachToMouseCursor =
This ensures that the cursor moves wherever the participant looks on the screen. Each image of an animal is displayed on a separate button. The ButtonDevice's fixation time is set to 1000 ms, and therefore a fixation response for the button is generated when participants fixate on the animal for 1000 ms. The fixation duration can be edited in the Button device's properties (accessed from the Experiment Object).
NOTE: In the case you do not want the cursor shown, change the TobiiEyeTracker.ShowCursor line from True to False. It is True in this example to visually indicate where the participant is looking on the screen.
See Also:
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