This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
Experiment Author: Psychology Software Tools, Inc.
The Trail Making Task tests visual attention and task switching.
This experiment is a version of the Trail Making Task. The goal of the task is to assess a participant's ability to quickly and accurately connect a sequence of 25 consecutive targets.
The first part of the test presents all numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.) where all of the number SlideButtons need to be clicked in sequential order. The second part of the test alternates between numbers and letters (e.g. 1, A, 2, B, etc.) where the number SlideButton needs to be clicked followed by the letter. If an error is made, the participant must correct the error before continuing.
The participant should finish both parts as quickly as possible. The Stimulus.RT can be used as the primary performance metric as this time reflects the duration from when Stimulus first appears to when the last response on Stimulus occurred. The error rate is not recorded but can optionally be added. Depending on the desired functionality of this task, the Stimulus Object's Keyboard Input Mask may need its Max Count property adjusted based on how many errors are to be allowed. The first part of the test is used primarily to examine cognitive processing speed. The second part of the test is used primarily to examine executive functioning.
See Also:
INFO: Using Nested Lists [40942]
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