This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
The following FIPS Policy Enabled error occurs in E-Prime 2.0 (version and E-Prime 3.0:
E-Studio has detected a setting that will interfere with license agreement compliance:
Please contact your network administrator to disable the "System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithims for encryption, hashing, and signing" policy before using E-Prime.
For more information, please see Microsoft KB 811833 or contact PST.
NOTE: In earlier versions of E-Prime 2.0, an FIPS licensing error message does not appear when opening up E-Studio.
Enabling FIPS blocks access to the mechanism through which E-Prime licensing occurs. Therefore, you need to disable FIPS to successfully use any version of E-Studio.
While a FIPS-enabled machine can run experiments in E-Run, FIPS blocks access to any algorithms that aren’t FIPS-validated in the .NET Framework, including the algorithms that access the license.
NOTE: Read-only E-Prime license keys have FIPS compliance levels 2 and 3 since 2007, but the algorithms to communicate with the keys are not FIPS compliant.
On a machine with the license driver successfully installed, you can access the Sentinel Admin Control Center at localhost:1947.
Being able to access localhost indicates progress when working through the typical "License Violation" error troubleshooting. Having FIPS enabled is essentially the same as not having the proper HASP driver installed for the license.
Workaround 1:
Use a secure lab machine off the network when designing and editing experiments in E-Studio. This allows you to safely disable FIPS without exposing the machine to any potential harms that FIPS looks to block.
Workaround 2:
If you need to be connected to a network, then configure the E-Prime machine in the following way if you only require FIPS compliance for network communication:
- Open the Control Panel application.
- Click on Network and Internet.
- Click on Network and Sharing Center.
- Navigate to Change Adapter Settings.
- Right-click the Wireless Network adapter and select Status > Wireless Properties > Security tab > Advanced settings > check "Enable FIPS".
NOTE: The above steps are for Windows 10/11.
NOTE: This option is not likely equivalent to enabling FIPS for the entire machine. Your IT department should be able to determine if this is compliant with your institution's needs.
Workaround 3:
Try to use a FIPS-compliant Virtual Machine (VM) on your E-Prime development machine.
NOTE: Virtual machines are "permitted but not supported" configurations for E-Prime licenses, see LICENSE: Virtual and remote licensing limitations [36982]. There is no support for millisecond-accurate experiment runs in virtual machines, see ERROR: Running experiments remotely, with screen sharing software, or in a virtualized environment is not supported [37202].
For example, you can enable FIPS on the E-Prime machine and open Virtual Machine software such as VMWare 14 with a properly created VM. You can attempt running E-Studio within the VMWare 14 session and generate a Runtime file from E-Studio. You can then move the Runtime file (i.e., ebs2 or .ebs3) to the main computer and run it successfully.
NOTE: You need to move any resource files the experiment may be using as well.
This option highlights that FIPS is only impacting the E-Studio application to author experiments. Experiments can be run with the E-Run program on a FIPS enabled machine.
See Also:
LICENSE: Downloading the latest HASP driver [27703]
LICENSE: E-Prime 3.0 License Violation and Grace Period dialogs [23677]
LICENSE: E-Prime 2.0 License Violation and Grace Period dialogs [19520]
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