The E-Basic language constant ebBackslash is mapped to the incorrect ASCII value.
Each constant in the E-Basic scripting language begins with the prefix 'eb' and corresponds to a character in the ASCII table. E-Prime 2.0 includes the constant ebBackslash, which should map to ASCII character 92, the 'backslash' character ("\"). However, the constant instead maps to ASCII character 8, which is the 'Backspace' character. (ScriptSense, available in the E-Prime Professional edition, displays the available constants after entering 'eb', along with their associated ASCII value).
The backslash ("\") character is useful when writing E-Basic script, because it is an escape character. The escape character signals E-Basic to interpret the character which follows the backslash as a command. For example, when the escape character is followed by the letter 'n', E-Basic processes this as a new line.
For example, the following E-Basic script...
Debug.Print "Using the backslash as an escape character" & "\n" & "to insert a new line" |
...results in the following output:
using the backslash as an esacpe character
to insert a new line
To use the backslash character as the escape character, place two backslash characters together within a String rather than referencing the ebBackslash constant. For example:
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