This article applies to:
E-Prime 2.0
This bug has been corrected in E-Prime 2.0 (
Go/NoGo tasks in E-Prime 2.0.10.x may report inaccurate values for ACC (the response accuracy variable) when ACC is referenced on either an InLine or FeedbackDisplay object immediately after the response object terminates.
When the "Correct" value for the Input Mask is blank (as specified through attribute reference) and the user correctly withholds a response, the ACC variable returns an erroneous value when it is examined immediately after the response collection object completes its execution. If the ACC variable is examined on an InLine object or a FeedbackDisplay object, the ACC variable will erroneously report a '0' (incorrect) for a '1' (correct) non-response. Note that the *.edat2 file accurately logs the ACC variable even while E-Prime reports an inaccurate value, since the comparison between RESP and CRESP is completed by the end of the procedure when logging occurs.
Upgrade to E-Prime or later.
This workaround is intended only for those who are unable to update to the version of E-Prime that contains the bug fix:
Insert the following InLine script immediately following the response object:
'Replace MyObject with the name of your object, e.g. Stimulus
Do While MyObject.InputMasks.IsPending()
Legacy End User Comments
David McFarlane 9/10/2012 5:27:00 PM |
While/Wend, really??! That construct went out with the Commodore 64, has been deprecated since the early 1990s, and should never have been included in E-Basic. Please, please, please do not exhibit poor programming practices to your customers, and replace that with, e.g., Do While MyObject.InputMasks.IsPending() Loop Current Status: Dismissed |
Brandon Cernicky 9/10/2012 8:11:00 PM |
Duly noted and I was the dinosaur that infiltrated many of the samples with such backwards syntax. Using the Do While ... Loop you show allows for skipping of the loop if the condition is false (unlike Do Loop which requires one iteration) and more importantly allows easy exit with Exit Do unlike While/Wend. Current Status: Dismissed |
Alessandro Guida 10/2/2014 5:24:00 PM |
Hello! I would like to program a GO NO GO task and have actually programmed. However the feedback is not good. I have downloaded the last version of e prime (the feedback is not good) and with inline, the feedback is not good. Is there a real solution to program GO NO GO with E prime. I would send my little program if it helps. Current Status: Dismissed |
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