This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
This topic was introduced in E-Prime
An excessive amount of quoted strings such as "hello world" that appear in a generated Full Script are the culprit in the "Script Too Large To Be Compiled" error.
Updates to E-Prime have taken steps to help avoid the amount of quoted strings generated by objects. The generation and use of script data sections which load contents internally in constrast to previous editions of E-Prime where every property such as TextDisplay1.Text= "my text" would be generated as quoted strings.
E-Prime 2.0 introduced the abilty to generate object strings using constants. For example, the string "Hello" can be generated as ebUCase_H & ebLCase_e & ebLCase_l & ebLCase_l & ebLCase_o. The image below shows the difference in a InLine script window between the quoted string and string as constants.
If an experiment author would prefer to view the literal strings or there is a situation that arises where the Full script cannot be generated, the Tools > Options area for Script has the ability to turn this feature on or off.
See Also:
ERROR: Steps to Avoid "Script Too Large to be Compiled" Errors [17199]
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