The Experiment Advisor provides E-Prime experiments the ability to detect design and timing errors in E-Studio and E-Run. In addition, statistics on the OnsetToOnsetTime, OnsetDelay, and LoadTime of objects can be reported.
The Experiment Advisor tab is accessed through the Experiment Object:
The Experiment Advisor tab is also displayed in the Output window when you generate your experiment.
Once you run or test your experiment Experiment Advisor creates an .xml report. A link to the report is displayed in the output window for easy access. A copy of the file is also saved in the same directory you experiment (.es3 file) is being saved in as well.
Once you click the link, the report should open in your default browser. The report will contain several types of timing statistics along with the Experiment Advisor findings. The Experiment Advisor Findings will alert you to possible timing problems, information about your clock and devices, and applications that are currently running on your system.
Next Article: E-STUDIO: PackageFile Toolbox Shortcuts [27496]
Previous Article: E-STUDIO: Experiment Explorer Window (Structure, Browser, and Attribute Tabs) [23591]
See Also:
INFO: Experiment Advisor Module [19051]
INFO: Listing of Experiment Advisor Modules [19137]
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