The Properties window is a dockable window used to display all of the standard properties and property values associated with objects used in the experiment. By default, the Properties window appears to the immediate right of the Toolbox, just below the Experiment Explorer view. The Properties window can be a free-floating window, or can be docked to any side of the application window. The Properties window appears in the E-Studio application as a two-column list/grid. This window is designed to be virtually identical in appearance/function to the one used by VisualBasic™ and other common development environments.
When an object is selected within E-Studio, the Properties window is updated to display the properties associated with the selected object. The properties are listed in alphabetical order within the Properties window with the exception of commonly used properties, which appear at the top of the list.
Properties may be edited within the Properties window by clicking on the property and typing the desired value, or by choosing an option from the dropdown box (when available). When a property is selected within the Properties window, a brief description of that property appears in the bottom of the window. The display of the property description may be toggled on or off by right clicking in the Properties window in the area below the properties, and selecting or deselecting the Description option from the context menu.
Properties may also be set as variable information (i.e., attribute references). Property values may be set to vary at run-time according to the values of an attribute. The name of the attribute to reference is enclosed within square brackets (e.g., [attribute]). This syntax indicates to E-Studio that the value for the property field will be resolved at run-time by referring to the named attribute to obtain it’s current value.
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