Each SlideState object within the Slide object collection houses various sub-objects used to present text, images or sounds. A SlideState may contain a single sub-object, or a combination of several sub-objects to present text, graphics and sounds concurrently. Different types of sub-objects are available to allow the presentation of text, images, buttons, and sounds. Specific parameters can be set to these different types of stimuli.
SlideText Sub-Object
The SlideText sub-object is used to place text within a SlideState object. The text may be typed directly in the Text area defined by the SlideText sub-object, or in the Text property field in the Properties window.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SlideText Sub-Object [23593].
SlideImage Sub-Object
The SlideImage sub-object is used to display pictures to the subject on a Slide. E-Prime 3.0 allows for image formats *.bmp, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *gif, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff, *.emf, *.wmf.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SlideImage Sub-Object [23594].
SlideMovie Sub-object
The SlideMovie sub-object is used to present pre-recorded digital video in DivX, XVid, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H-264, WMV formats (proper codecs must be installed) to the subject.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SlideMovie Sub-Object [23597].
SlideButton Sub-object
The SlideButton sub-object is a way to respond to a Slide through the use of a Button.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SlideButton Sub-Object [23598].
SlideChoice Sub-object
The SlideChoice sub-object allows participants to respond through the use of multiple choices.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SlideChoice Sub-Object [23599].
SlideSlider Sub-object
The SlideSlider sub-object presents participants with a range of answers that a particpant can select from by sliding an indicator.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SlideSlider Sub-Object [23600].
SlideSoundIn Sub-Object
E-Prime uses the SlideSoundIn sub-object to record vocal responses from the participant.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SlideSoundIn Sub-Object [23596].
SlideSoundOut Sub-Object
The SoundOut object is used to present pre-recorded audio sounds in E-Prime.
For further information see the article E-STUDIO: SoundOut Object [22708].
Next Article: E-STUDIO: ImageDisplay Object [22704]
Previous Article: E-STUDIO: SlideState Object [22702]
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