Psychology Software Tools hosts Downloads at However, users only have access to the downloads for the products they have registered. Users need to create a Support account, sign in, and register the product serial number (e.g., E-Prime 3.0, EEfMRI 3.0, etc.) to access product downloads. This article acts as a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this.
Create an Account
A Support account needs to be registered before being able to access product downloads. Registration can be done on the Registration page. The following screen should appear:
Please enter all information in the appropriate sections while ensuring it is all correct. Then, click the Submit button on the bottom of the page.
NOTE: The fields marked with an * are required in addition to the reCAPTCHA prompt.
Setting an Account Password
After the account registration information is submitted, an email is sent to the email address specified during registration from The email shall have the subject line of "PST Product Service and Support Password". If this email is not received within a few minutes, then please check the email account's spam folder and junk email filters. PST Support recommends whitelisting in the event the emails are being marked as spam.
The "PST Product Service and Support Password" email contains the link to set a password for the newly created account.
NOTE: Each time a password reset request is made, the link in any previously-sent password reset email becomes disabled.
NOTE: The link in the Password email is only valid for 24 hours.
Signing in to the Support Site
The Support account is considered fully registered once a password has been specified. At this point, users will be able to login to the Support site to access product downloads. Users can login by using this link. On this page, there is a Sign In button towards the top-right corner of the page (If the account name is shown instead, then the account is already logged in to the site).
Registering a Serial Number
To register a product serial number, navigate to the middle of the Support site page and click the link named "Click Here to Show Registered Products."
Once that area is clicked in, there is an entry field to register the serial number:
To find a PST serial number, look for it in one of these places:
The email that was sent with the purchase
The inside of the Flash Pad or the Registration Card that came with the USB License Key
The invoice that was emailed or shipped with the purchase
After E-Prime has been installed, the serial number can also be obtained from the following resources:
The About Box in E-Studio
The Product ID column in the Control Panel (this column may have to be added to the current view)
Make sure the serial number is entered correctly and click the Register button. Be sure to include the dashes ("-").
NOTE: An Evaluation serial number cannot be registered on the Psychology Software Tools Support site.
NOTE: One serial number may be specified during the "Create an Account" step (see above section). Once the account is fully created, the serial number will already be registered on the Support site.
Checking for a Valid Support Plan
A valid support plan can be verified when viewing the registered serial numbers under the "Click Here to Show Registered Products" link. Support plans can be purchased through our online store:
Accessing Downloads
Lastly, the "Downloads" area in the middle of the page shows all available product downloads. Click the link "Click Here to Show Downloads" to show the downloads.
The registered products appear as available downloads.
See Also:
FAQ: How do I submit a support request and check the request's status? [28276]
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