The Test Mode feature in E-Prime allows you to double check that your experiment is scripted exactly the way you want it to be. Test Mode will speed up your experiment during testing so that you can run through the entire experiment, and produce a data file to check that the timing and functionality are correct.
Watch E-Run Test for more information on using E-Run Test Mode.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that the Test Mode will not overcome physical limitations such as refresh rate.
Auto Response
Auto Response enables E-Prime to automatically provide a response to any objects which require the subject to make a keyboard response. This feature is useful when testing an experiment, because E-Prime will automatically provide a response whenever one is required. For example, if your experiment specifies multiple image files to be presented, you can easily test to ensure that all of the image files can be located by using Auto Response to quickly run through every trial. Testing an experiment with Auto Response involves two steps: enabling the keyboard to use Auto Response and running the experiment in E-Run Test mode.
Configure the KeyboardDevice to utilize Auto Response
To configure the keyboard to use AutoResponse, the following steps must be followed:
- Open the Experiment Properties dialog box by double-clicking on the Experiment object in the
Structure window. - Select the Devices tab.
- Select the Keyboard Device.
- If necessary, enable the keyboard device by clicking on the check box next to the Keyboard
name. - Select the ‘Edit…’ button to display the Edit Keyboard properties pages.
- Select the Auto Response tab to display the Auto Response dialog and modify the default settings as required.
When Auto Response is enabled in the Experiment Object, Auto Response is, by default, available for input masks (e.g. E-Prime will automatically generate a keyboard response for all display objects which specify an InputMask). Auto Response may be enabled by running the experiment in Test Mode (described below), or by enabling this feature in E-Basic script. To do the latter, enter the following in an InLine object:
Rte.AutoResponseEnabled = True
Response Window
By default, AutoResponse will generate a response within 25% to 75% of the response time limit, assuming that a limit is specified. One or both of these values can be modified. If the time limit on the display object is infinite, or if the display object is at the end of the procedure, the time limit is treated as being 1000 ms. This value may be changed as well.
By default, Auto Response will attempt to maintain a correct response rate of 80%. This value may be changed.
By default, there are no Allowable values specified in the Choices box to handle cases when the allowed response is set to {ANY}. To restrict the values from which Auto Response will generate a response, specify one or more values in this field.
Multiple Responses
Options for multiple responses during E-Run Test can be edited. By default, when an Input Mask has a MaxCount greater than 1, a number of responses will be between 25% and 75% of the MaxCount. Furthermore, a delay minimum of 30ms will occur between multiple responses.
Test Manager
The Test Manager dialog permits configuration of properties to accelerate testing, automate response input, run partial experiments, and employ other methods of testing and debugging.
Clock Scale
The Clock Scale setting allows the user to set the speed at which the clock will execute during the E-Run Test session, primarily to allow for accelerated experiment testing. The default setting (1x Speed) executes the experiment at normal speed (i.e., a 1 second duration setting takes 1 second). Use of the 1.5x, 2x, or 4x settings speeds up execution (e.g., the 4x setting runs 4 times as fast such that a 1 second duration setting is reduced to 250 msec at runtime). Clock Scale may be used in combination with Auto Response to rapidly execute an experiment and generate a test data file. Refer to the Timing tab section in E-STUDIO: Experiment Object [22698] for additional information pertaining to clock options.
Auto Response
The Auto Response setting enables or disables the Auto Response feature during the session launched from the Test Manager dialog. This feature is primarily for testing purposes, and also primarily for use with the keyboard device. When used in combination with the Clock Scale setting, Auto Response may be used to accelerate the completion of experiment test sessions (e.g., in order to verify that all resource files are available, or to generate a test data file).
Experiment Advisor Report
The Experiment Advisor Report setting enables or disables the generation of a report file at the end of a test session summarizing the findings determined by the Experiment Advisor modules. If enabled, a report including information from selected Experiment Advisor Modules (i.e., on the Experiment Advisor tab in the Experiment Object) is generated and a link to the report is provided on the Generate tab in the Output window. Refer to E-STUDIO: Experiment Advisor Window [22679] and the Experiment Advisor Tab section within E-STUDIO: Experiment Object [22698] for information pertaining to use of the Experiment Advisor feature in E-Prime.
Run Configuration
The Run Configuration settings permit the test session to execute in windowed, or non-full screen mode for testing and/or debugging purposes. Windowed mode facilitates the preview of an experiment, with the ability to start, pause, and stop the experiment, as well as the ability to observe variable, attribute, and script information within E-Run Experiment user interface window. The Run Configuration settings permit the user to select the size of the window in which to display the experiment (i.e., Display window), if electing to run in windowed mode, and whether the windows (Display window and E-Run Experiment user interface window) will be able to be resized. Refer to the next article for information pertaining to use of windowed mode and Display Device scaling options.
Quick Start
The Quick Start window provides a visual representation of the experiment structure, and permits experiment execution to begin from a specific starting point. Quick Start is useful as a testing or debugging tool to run a portion of an experiment without requiring completion of the entire experiment. Refer to E-STUDIO: Quick Start [23588] for information pertaining to use of the Quick Start feature in E-Prime.
Next Article: E-STUDIO: Windowed Mode [23587]
Previous Article: E-STUDIO: Configuring Task Events [24789]
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