This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
Naming an E-Object or an Attribute a reserved word can lead to data file conversion errors and possible loss of data. When this occurs, an error states "Error occurred reading text file - variable name is same as a level name (NAME OF VARIABLE/LEVEL)."
Here are some words that should be avoided in these places:
- Trial, Block, List, Subject, Group, Session, or any name that is already used elsewhere in E-Prime.
- The name of an object already used in your experiment.
- A word that contains non-English or non-standard characters. For more information, please see this article: BUG: Column name beginning with a non-English or foreign character may crash E-Merge 2.0 [18416].
- Any StartupInfo parameters that are defined by default or added later.
- Any words mentioned in the Experiment Object's Properties - Data File tab under 'Log Level Names'. This can be found by looking in E-Studio's Structure window, double clicking on the Experiment Object icon to open its Properties, and clicking on the 'Data File' tab.
A list of other reserved words to avoid can be found below:
- And
- Any
- Append
- As
- Base
- Begin
- Binary
- Boolean
- ByRef
- ByVal
- Call
- CancelButton
- Case
- Cdecl
- CheckBox
- Chr
- ChrB
- ChrW
- Close
- ComboBox
- Compare
- Const
- CStrings
- Currency
- Date
- Declare
- Default
- DefBool
- DefCur
- DefDate
- DefDbl
- DefInt
- DefLng
- DefObj
- DefSng
- DefStr
- DefVar
- Dialog
- Dim
- Do
- Double
- DropListBox
- Else
- ElseIf
- End
- Eqv
- Error
- Exit
- Explicit
- Fix
- For
- Function
- Get
- Global
- GoSub
- Goto
- GroupBox
- HelpButton
- If
- Imp
- In
- Inline
- Input
- Input
- InputB
- InStr
- Integer
- Is
- Left
- Len
- Let
- Lib
- Like
- Line
- ListBox
- Lock
- Long
- Loop
- LSet
- Mid
- MidB
- Mod
- Name
- New
- Next
- Not
- Nothing
- Object
- Off
- OKButton
- On
- Open
- Option
- Optional
- OptionButton
- OptionGroup
- Or
- Output
- ParamArray
- Pascal
- Picture
- PictureButton
- Preserve
- Private
- Public
- PushButton
- Put
- Random
- Rate
- Read
- ReDim
- Rem
- Resume
- Return
- Right
- RSet
- Screen
- Seek
- Select
- Set
- Shared
- Single
- Spc
- Static
- StdCall
- Step
- Stop
- String
- Sub
- System
- Tab
- Text
- TextBox
- Then
- Time
- To
- Type
- Unlock
- Until
- Variant
- WEnd
- While
- Width
- Write
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