This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
This item was introduced in E-Prime 2.0 (
When run under Windows 8 (and beyond), E-Prime interacts with Microsoft's DirectX 11 API in order to maintain accurate display timing. DirectX 11 has multiple drivers, and E-Prime has minimal configuration requirements for these drivers. DirectX 11 is included with Windows 8 (and beyond) and should already be configured to work with E-Prime. However, if DirectX 11 is either not installed or not configured properly, then the following runtime error will occur when attempting to run an E-Prime 3.0 / 2.0 experiment under Windows 8 (and beyond):
"Unable to create DX11 device. Use dxdiag to ensure your system has DX11 and hardware acceleration to feature level 11.0"
If you receive this error, then use Microsoft's diagnostic tool to check your DirectX settings:
Go to the Start menu then go to Search or start the Run command.
Enter "dxdiag" in the "Open" box. The following dialog box appears:
Confirm that the DirectX Version is DirectX 11 or later.
Click on the display tab(s). The following appears:
Confirm that your driver settings in the highlighted area match the following:
DDI version must be at least 11.
The WDDM version must be at least 1.1.
The Features Levels must be at least 11.0.
If your driver settings don't match the required settings, then you need to either obtain a new driver that meets these requirements, or obtain new display hardware that conforms to these requirements.
For a video tutorial on how to do this, please view How to Check DirectX Settings.
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