This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
This error was first reported in E-Prime (Update 3).
An error is shown that states E-Prime 3.0 must be reinstalled when launching E-Studio.
E-Prime 3.0 Update 3 ( and later has additional licensing features due to the introduction of Cloud Licensing. Having E-Prime applied to the base image results in licensing issues on deployed machines when using SmartDeploy. E-Prime 3.0 must be installed without the v2c applied on the base image.
NOTE: The following workarounds assume the virtual machines are clean and have never had E-Prime installed on it at any point. Uninstalling E-Prime will result in the error above on deployed machines.
NOTE: It may be possible to remove the Hasp installation as documented in ERROR: Deploying cloned images of E-Prime 3 Update 3 or later may nullify licensing [42880]. However, it has not been verified to work with SmartDeploy. Please report any results to PST support.
Workaround 1:
Remove any USB License keys connected to the virtual machine.
Extract the E-Prime 3.0 executable with a program such as 7-Zip. Copy the resulting files to the base image.
Copy the Support folder to the SmartDeploy machine as the haspdinst.exe is used to deploy the HASP driver.
Back in the base image, delete the following files in the Support folder:
- ep3lm.v2c
- haspds_windows.dll
- haspvlib_50978.dll
Navigate to (uppercase) Setup.exe and run the installation.
Dismiss any errors during the installation. These errors are expected due to deleting the files above. Once finished, shutdown the base image.
NOTE: You will not be able to launch E-Studio after installation is complete.
Optionally, you can navigate to C:\ProgramData\Pst\E-Prime\3.0 and paste the extracted Registration.xml attached to this article (modified with your User, Institution, and Serial Number). The identity can automatically be set by using the machine name. See LICENSE: Deployment of Cloud Licenses [38187].
NOTE: Make sure to update the Registration.xml to match your build. The attached Registration.xml is specified to build
Create an Application Pack in SmartDeploy with the haspdinst.exe that was copied to the machine. Make sure the ep3lm.v2c, haspds_windows.dll, and haspvlib_50978.dll are in the same folder as the haspdinst.exe.
In SmartDeploy, create an Answer File with the HASP application pack included and deploy your base image as you would normally.
Workaround 2:
Push out the E-Prime 3 dependent files and the msi installer after deployment.
Workaround 3:
NOTE: This workaround is intended for users who wish to include E-Prime and E-Prime in their deployment image.
- Install the haspdinst.exe (in its own folder by itself). This can be found in the support folder of the E-Prime installer (see Workaround 1 for more information).
- Install E-Prime
- Remove any USB License keys connected to the virtual machine.
- Remove the hasp driver with "haspdinst.exe -kp -purge".
- Delete any Aladdin/SafeNet folders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files.
- Delete any SafeNet folders in C:\ProgramData.
- Install E-Prime as outlined in Workaround 1.
- Optionally, you can navigate to C:\ProgramData\Pst\E-Prime\3.0 and paste the extracted Registration.xml attached to this article (modified with your User, Institution, and Serial Number). The identity can automatically be set by using the machine name. See LICENSE: Deployment of Cloud Licenses [38187].
NOTE: Make sure to update the Registration.xml to match your build. The attached Registration.xml is specified to build
See Also:
ERROR: HASP Driver Version 8.31 or later causes E-Prime 2.0 installation error 2753 [39149]
RELEASE INFO: Known Issues in E-Prime 3.0 [27789]
LICENSE: Downloading the latest HASP driver [27703]
INSTALL: E-Prime 3.0 Prerequisites required for installation [26947]
BUG: Silent Installation occasionally shows prompts when launching E-Prime [26081]
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