This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
The following is a listing of common E-Prime error numbers/messages and their solutions. If you are receiving an error that is not listed in this article or are receiving an error from this list that the suggested solution does not resolve then please submit a request to support and include the error number, exact text of the error, and your .es, .es2 or .es3 file.
Error # | Displayed Message | Error Description | Solution |
-999 | Unable to buffer movie - Too many retires | While most of the movie formats supported by E-Prime should be relatively stable, it is possible for issues to occur with certain formats depending on your machine's configuration. | Upgrade to the most recent version of E-Prime 3.0 / 2.0. Install the K-Lite set of codecs and DivX. See EXPERIMENT DESIGN: Codec Config [22687] for more details. Convert your movie to a different format. If you need an application to do this, we recommend SUPER - which is free. See for downloading instructions. |
-999 | Factor error - [name]is not a procedure object | This error will occur if a List object calls a Procedure that does not exist. Typically, a yellow question mark (?) will appear beneath the List object callin the invalid Procedure. | Check your List objects and ensure that the names under the Procedure column reference an existing Procedure. |
6 | Overflow | The Overflow error occurs when a variable is assigned a value it cannot contain. This typically relates to Integer variables, which can be assigned values up to 32767. If a value such as 40000 is assigned to an Integer, an Overflow error occusr. This error also occurs if E-Prime attempts to evaluate the expression 0/0 in Inline script. | Ensure that any user-defined variables are declared as the proper type. Long values are sufficient for most scenarios since they can be assigned values between approximately +/- 2 billion. Also, be sure to use defensive programming in any user-written script to protect against dividing by zero. |
9 | Subscript out of range | This error will occur when trying to access a "slot" in an array that does not exist. For example:
This script creates an array (arrStim) of 10 slots, and then immediately attempts to assign a value to the 20th slot, which does not exist. |
Ensure that the "slot" in the array exists. |
1004 | Method Paste of object worksheet failed | The macro security setting may be too high. Verify that the correct macros were installed on your system when you installed E-Prime. Go to ...<ProgramFiles>/PST/EPrime/Program. In that folder, there should be a Macro called EDataAidAnalysis.Macros. |
Verify the macros security settings on your computer. From Excel, go to Tools - Macro - Security. If the setting is on High or Very High, please lower it to Medium or Low and try again. |
10000 | The allowable response was unrecognized: <response> <response> = string value that was not recognized |
E-Basic: The Allowable parameter in the InputDevice.CreateInputMask is not recognized by the input mask. E-Studio: The value entered in the Allowable field in the Response Options (Duration/Input Property Page) is not recognized by the input mask. |
Enter device specific values for allowable response. |
10001 | The allowable response cannot be empty | E:Basic: The Allowable parameter for InputDevice.CreateInputMask must contain a value that is recognized by the input mask. E-Studio: The Allowable field in Response Options (Duration/Input Property Page) must contain a value when input is enabled. |
Enter device specific values for allowable response. |
10002 | Cannot have duplicate response | E-Basic: The Allowable parameter in InputDevice.CreateInputMask includes duplicate response entries. E-Studio: A single value has been entered more than once. Since the Allowable field in the Response Options (Duration/Input Property Page) represents a mask of values, entering duplicate values would be redundant. |
Verify that unique entries are entered only once. |
10004 | Experiment terminated by user | The CTRL+ALT+SHIFT keypress combination was detected, signaling the E- Run runtime engine to terminate. | None. The experiment is aborted. |
10005 | Experiment abnormally terminated | An error occurred in the runtime that caused the experiment to terminate abnormally. | Contact technical support if this error can be replicated on a regular basis. |
10006 | Assertion Failed | An error was thrown due to a Debug.Assert statement evaluating to False. It is a good programming practice to place numerous Debug.Assert statements throughout an experiment to ensure it is operating to design specifications. | Evaluate experiment specification to determine cause for the Debug.Assert statement evaluating to False. |
10007 | Cannot call .Run when DeviceManger is suspended | A call to RteRunnableObject.Run is not permitted while the DeviceManager is suspended. For more information, refer to the DeviceManager.Suspend command in the E-Basic Online Help. | Call DeviceManager.Resume to permit E-Basic runtime operations to be permitted. |
10008 | Port value out of range | The value for RteRunnableInputObject.OnsetSignalPort or RteRunnableInputObject.OffsetSignalPort is invalid. | Enter valid port address values for this property. |
10010 | Invalid Context | The Context parameter passed to Procedure.Run is not valid. | Specify a valid parameter of Context data type to the function. |
10011 | Cannot call Suspend when already Suspended | Cannot call DeviceManager.Suspend when the DeviceManager is already suspended. | Call DeviceManager.Resume to resume the DeviceManager before suspending a subsequent time. |
10012 | Cannot call Resume without first calling Suspend | Cannot call DeviceManager.Resume without a call to DeviceManager.Suspend to suspend the DeviceManager. | Call DeviceManager.Suspend first, before resuming the DeviceManager with a call to DeviceManager.Resume. |
10013 | CreateInputMask not allowed when device is emulating | When a device is opened to emulate its input responses into another device, it does not process input for itself. Therefore, a call to InputDevice.CreateInputMask is not permitted. | Either stop the device from emulating its input responses to another device, or create the input mask on the device into which it is emulating. |
10014 | MaxCount specified is too large | The value specified for the maximum number of entries for the collection exceeds the largest value the collection can hold. | Specify a value less than or equal to 4096, the largest value a collection can hold. |
10015 | Invalid EchoClients Parameter | The value specified for the EchoClients parameter for InputDevice.CreateInputMask is not valid. The EchoClients parameter must be a variable of RteObject data type and hold a collection of EchoClient objects. | Specify a value for the EchoClient parameter that represents a collection of valid EchoClient objects. |
10016 | Invalid EndResponseAction | The value specified for the EndResponseAction parameter for InputDevice.CreateInputMask is invalid. | Specify a value that is valid for the EndResponseAction parameter. The constants, ebEndResponseActionNone, ebEndResponseActionTerminate,and ebEndResponseActionJump can be used for these values. |
10017 | Invalid Termination Response | E-Basic: The value specified for the TerminationResponse paramater for InputDevice.CreateInputMask is not valid or recognized by the input mask. E-Studio: The value entered in the Termination Response field in the Advanced Response Options (Duration/Input Property Page) is not recognized by the input mask. |
Enter device specific values for the termination response. |
10018 | Correct Response is not part of Allowable | E-Basic: The value entered in the Correct parameter for the InputDevice.CreateInputMask is not included as part of the Allowable Response parameter. E-Studio: The value entered in the Correct Response field in the Response Options (Duration/Input Property Page) is not included as part of the Allowable Response Options. |
Specify a value that is included as part of the allowable response. |
10019 | Termination Response is not part of Allowable | E-Basic: The value entered in the TerminationResponse parameter for the InputDevice.CreateInputMask is not included as part of the Allowable response parameter. E-Studio: The value entered in the Terminiation Response field in the Advanced Response Options (Duration/Input Property Page) is not included as part of the Allowable response Options. |
Specify a value that is included as part of the allowable response. |
10020 | Unknown Custom Option: '<options>' <options> = string representation of the custom options not recognized by the input mask |
The value entered in the CustomOptions parameter for the InputDevice.CreateInputMask is not recognized by the input mask. | Specify device specific custom options for this parameter. |
10022 | Cannot terminate a mask that is not armed. | An error was thrown as a result of a call to InputMask.Terminate at a point where the input mask was not armed to accept input responses. An input mask is automatically armed when the RteRunnableInputObject it belongs to .Run is called. An input mask can become unarmed when it times out, accepts max count responses, termination response occurs, or is terminated in response to another mask being terminated. | Call InputMask.Terminate only when the InputMask is armed to accept input responses. |
10023 | Invalid Echo Client Found | An error was thrown due to the EchoClients parameter for InputDevice.CreateInputMask containing an object that is not of the EchoClient data type. | Call InputDevice.CreateInputMask with a EchoClients parameter that represents a collection of objects that are of data type EchoClient. |
10024 | Mask does not support reserved object | An error was thrown due to the ReservedObject parameter for InputDevice.CreateInputMask being specified for a mask that does not recognize, support, or require an extended object to be specified. | Call InputDevice.CreateInputMask with a ReservedObject parameter only for input masks that require a reserved object. |
10025 | Unavailable Owner | An error was thrown due to an object of type InputMask not being part of a RteRunnableInputObject input mask collection. (e.g., after a trial completes and the running object no longer requires the input mask.) | Obtain a reference to an input mask prior to an object's run and only use until the end of the trial. |
10026 | Cannot specify both before and after index | An attempt to add an object will fail with a runtime error when both the Before and After parameters are specified for the RteCollection.Item call. The Before and After parameters are mutually exclusive and only one should be specified. | Call RteCollectionAdd with Before or After specified, but not both. |
10027 | Invalid after index | The After parameter for RteCollection.Add must represent a valid integer index or string key into the collection. An error will be thrown when the After parameter represents any other data type. | Call RteCollection.Add with a value for After as an integer index or string key into the collection. |
10028 | Invalid before index | The Before parameter for RteCollection.Add must represent a valid integer index or string key into the collection. An error will be thrown when the Before parameter represents any other data type. | Call RteCollection.Add with a value for Before as an integer index or string key into the collection. |
10029 | Cannot add null to a collection | The RteCollection data type holds objects that are of RteObject or derived data type. An error will be thrown if the value for the Item parameter for RteCollection.Add represents any other data type. | Call RteCollection.Add with a value for the Item parameter that represents a valid object of type RteObject. |
10030 | Add functionality for this collection is not supported. | The specific collection does not permit items to be added to it as a result of a call to RteCollection.Add. | n/a |
10031 | Remove functionality for this collection is not supported. | The specific collection does not permit items to be removed from it as a result of a call to RteCollection.Remove. | n/a |
10032 | RemoveAll functionality for this collection is not supported | The specific collection does not permit all items to removed from it as result to a call to RteCollection.RemoveAll | n/a |
10033 | This key is already associated with an element of this collection | The Key parameter uniquely identifies a mechanism to recall an object from a collection. An error will occur if an attempt is made to add an item with a Key parameter matching that of an exisiting item in the collection. The string key will remain until the object is removed from the collection. | Call RteCollection.Add with a unique string key. |
10034 | Invalid before and after index | An invalid value was specified for the Before and After parameters for RteCollection.Add. The Before or After parameter for RteCollection.Add must represent a valid integer index or string key into the collection. | Call RteCollection.Add with a value for Before or After as an integer index or string key into the collection. |
10035 | Unable to add item to collection | The call to RteCollection.Add failed due to the specific collection not supporting the data type attempting to be added. | Call RteCollection.Add with an Item parameter containing a valid value for the collection. |
10036 | Unable to remove item from collection | The call to RteCollection.Remove failed due to the Index parameter not being valid. | Call RteCollection.Remove with an Index parameter representing a valid value for the collection. |
10037 | Internal Error: Cannot find before key | The call to RteCollection.Add failed due to the Before parameter specifying an integer index or string key that is not valid for the collection. The numeric index starts at 1 and must be less than or equal to RteCollection.Count. | Call RteCollection.Add with a Before parameter that is valid for the collection. |
10038 | Internal Error: Cannot find after key | The call to RteCollection.Add failed due to the After parameter specifying an integer index or string key that is not valid for the collection. The numeric index starts at 1 and must be less than or equal to RteCollection.Count. | Call RteCollection.Add with a After parameter that is valid for the collection. |
10039 | The value for the KEY parameter is either invalid or cannot be found in this collection | An operation on RteCollection failed due to the Key parameter not specifying a valid string key of an item in the collection. This error will occur if you are attempting to access an item from a collection, but the item specified does not exist. A common situation is gaining access to a Slide sub-object that is not present. This typically occurs when the sub-object name is specified incorrectly. Check any InLine objects in your experiment and see if you are accessing any items from a collection. If so, ensure that the item name specified is valid and exists within the collection. |
Call RteCollection methods with valid string key entries of items in the collection. |
10041 | The value for the INDEX parameter is either invalid or is not within range for this collection | An operation on RteCollection failed due to the Index parameter not specifying a valid integer index of an item in the collection. The numeric index starts at 1 and must be less than or equal to RteCollection.Count. | Call RteCollection methods with a valid index to entries of items in the collection. |
10042 | Name can only be set once | The RteObject.Name property may be written only once. Once the RteObject.Name property is set, it cannot be renamed. | n/a |
10043 | Name cannot be empty | E-Basic: The RteObject.Name property cannot be an empty string. E-Studio: An object was named in the interface with no value. An object name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, must begin with an alphabetic character, must not contain more than 80 characters, and must be unique within the system. |
E-Basic: Specify a valid string value for the RteObject.Name property. E-Studio: Enter a valid name through the Properties window, Procedure time line, or Structure view windows. |
10044 | The name cannot be longer than 80 characters! | E-Basic: The RteObject.Name property cannot have more than 80 characters. E-Studio: An object was named in the interface with a length of more than 80 characters. An object name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, must begin with an alphabetic character, must not contain more than 80 characters, and must be unique within the system. |
E-Basic: Specify a valid string value for the RteObject.Name property that does not have more than 80 characters. E-Studio: Enter a valid name through the Properties window, Procedure time line, or Structure view windows that does not have more than 80 characters. |
10045 | Name must begin with a letter. | E-Basic: The RteObject.Name property must begin with an alphabetic character. E-Studio: An object was named in the interface with a value that did not start with an alphabetic letter. E-Object names are generated to E-Basic script, which does not permit variable names to begin with a numeric value. An object name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, must begin with an alphabetic character, must not contain more than 80 characters, and must be unique within the system. |
E-Basic: Specify a valid string value for the RteObject.Name property that starts with an alphabetic character. E-Studio: Enter a valid name through the Properties window, Procedure timeline, or Structure view windows that does starts with an alphabetic character. |
10046 | Name contains an invalid character. | E-Basic: The RteObject.Name property cannot include any invalid characters. E-Studio: An object was named in the interface with a value that contains an invalid character. E-Object names are generated to E-Basic script, which does not permit variable names to have invalid characters. An object name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, must begin with an alphabetic character, must not contain more than 80 characters, and must be unique within the system. |
E-Basic: Specify a valid string value for the RteObject.Name property that does not include any invalid characters. E-Studio: Enter a valid name through the Properties window, Procedure time line, or Structure view windows that does not have any invalid characters. |
10048 | A parameter passed to the method/function is invalid | Methods and Properties require the parameters passed to them to be of a certain data type. An error will occur any time a parameter is passed to a method or property that does not represent the data type expected. | Specify parameters to methods and properties that are of the correct data type. |
10049 | The InputMask cannot be added to this InputMaskManager because it already has been previously added to another InputMaskManager | A call to InputMaskManager.Add can only accept input mask objects that are not already part of another input mask manager. | Only add input mask objects to one InputMaskManager object. |
10050 | The version is read only | The specific values returned from the Version object are read-only and cannot be modified. | n/a |
10051 | An error occurred while attempting to open the device: <error> <error> = hexadecimal representation of the error code returned |
The device could not be opened due to the specific error. Typically this error occurs as result of a hardware or driver issue. The device must be connected to the system and the proper driver must be installed prior to the run of the experiment. A device may not support the configuration specified for it in the structure parameter for opening that device. | E-Basic: Verify that the device is connected, has a proper driver, and that it supports the configuration in the structure passed to the Device.Open call. E-Studio: Verify the device is connected, has a proper driver, and that it supports the configuration in the experiment specification. |
10052 | Emulation Device is invalid or not open. The order in which the devices load may need to be changed | When a device is set to emulate, the device into which input is to be emulated must be opened first. | E-Basic: Organize calls to Device.Open so that the device being emulated into calls Device.Open first. E-Studio: Position the order of the devices in the Experiment Object property pages; Devices tab with the Move Up and Move Down buttons. |
10053 | The device must be open prior to calling this method | Methods and properties of objects of the Device data type must have a successful call to Device.Open prior to being called. | Ensure that Device.Open is called prior to calling methods/properties on objects of the Device data type. |
10054 | The operation invoked is currently not supported | The method or property called is not supported by the version of E-Prime, operating system used, or license agreement of the installed software. | Review the documentation and license agreement to ensure that the property/method can be called in the installed versions of E-Prime and the operating system. |
10055 | Unable to communicate with the port I/O device driver | The port driver is needed for read/write port calls and for using the Port Device. | Run a repair on your E-Prime installation (via the Windows Control Panel). Run the PortDriverInstaller.exe file to install the port driver. |
10057 | An error occurred while attempting to read from the port I/O driver | This message indicates a general read error while attempting to get data from the port. This error will only occur when a ReadPort or PortDevice is being used. In this case, it means "device is not ready". |
Run a repair on your E-Prime installation (via the Windows Control Panel). Run the PortDriverInstaller.exe file to install the port driver. Disable any ReadPort calls and the PortDevice. Disable the Port device by unchecking the box next to the Port device on the Devices tab of the Experiment Object. ReadPort calls need to be removed manually from InLine objects and/or commented out of the script. If the problem continues after disabling the Port device and/or ReadPort calls, 29 may be helpful. With the script routines included in this experiment, you can configure your parallel port so that the DATA port (pins 2-9) act as either input or output. It may be the case that the script in your experiment is trying to read from the DATA port, but it has not been configured to do so. |
11000 | Cannot set source color key: <error> <error> = hexadecimal representation of the error code returned |
Video cards or drivers that do not support source color key operations will cause the error to be thrown during a call to set Canvas.SourceColorKey. | Verify that the video card hardware supports source color key operations. |
11001 | Invalid Source Canvas | The value for the SourceCanvas parameter for Canvas.Copy was not of data type Canvas. | Call Canvas.Copy with a SourceCanvas parameter of data type Canvas. |
11006 | Invalid Source Rect | The value for the SourceRect parameter for Canvas.Copy was not valid. SourceRect requires a variable of data type Rect and must have coordinates that are within the rectangle of the display device. | Call Canvas.Copy with a SourceRect parameter that represents a Rect data type with coordinates within the rectangle of the display device. |
11007 | Invalid Destination Rect | The value for the DestRect parameter for Canvas.Copy was not valid. The DestRect parameter requires a variable of data type Rect and must have coordinates that are within the rectangle of the display device. | Call Canvas.Copy with a DestRect parameter that represents a Rect data type with coordinates within the rectangle of the display device. |
11008 | SaveImage Failed | A call to Canvas.SaveImage failed. This may be due to a bad file name, a write- protected disk, or the file already being open. | Determine that the filename exists, the file is closed, and that the disk is not write-protected. |
11009 | Drawing Error | The error may indicate that the DirectX drivers on your machine do not match those required by the current version of the run application. | Update the drivers. Open the E-Prime CD on your computer and run: \Runtime\DirectX\DXSetup.exe The DirectX drivers can be updated, and E-Run should no longer crash. A dialog will appear when you open the DXSetup.exe file. Please choose "Reinstall DirectX". Another dialog will appear indicating that DX is installing and then you will be prompted to reboot. Once you have run this utility and rebooted your machine, please try to run your experiment again. |
11011 | Drawing Error | This error will typically occur when an outside process causes E-Prime to lose control of the display. Common examples are when the Windows key or ALT+Tab is pressed during an experiment. These are standard operating system commands that Windows will execute even when E-Prime is running. The experiment will close and return to Windows so that the Start menu or another application can be opened, thus causing E-Prime to lose control of the display. | See ERROR: How to avoid accidental pressing of special keys (Windows Key, Ctrl+Escape, etc.) [17261] for more information. |
11016 | Cannot load bitmap file <file><error> <file> = string representation of the file that could not be loaded. <error> = string representation of further error information. |
A call to Canvas.LoadImage failed. This may be due to a bad file name, the file already being open, or specifying a file that is not supported by the Canvas object. Windows DIB (device independent bitmap) files with a BMP extension optionally with RLE compression are supported. | Call Canvas.LoadImage with a Filename parameter representing a string data type that points to a valid path for a Windows device-independent bitmap image. If you are specifying a specific path, PST recommends using the forward slash (/) instead of the back slash (\). Please see INFO: Use / for path separation for E-Objects with filename property [16554] for more information. |
11017 | Invalid ActiveState | A call to set Slide.ActiveState failed due to the SlideState not being valid. | Ensure the ActiveState being set is a valid string name and that the SlideState has been properly added to the SlideState collection. |
11020 | Collection only supports SlideState objects | A call to SlideStateCollection.Add failed due to the Item parameter representing an object that was not of the SlideState data type. | Call SlideStateCollection.Add with an Item parameter that represents an object of the SlideState data type. |
11021 | Collection only supports up to ten SlideState objects | A call to SlideStateCollection.Add failed due to the maximum number of SlideState objects being exceeded. | Call SlideStateCollection.Add no more than the maximum number of SlideState objects the collection can hold. |
11022 | Collection only supports SlideStim objects | A call to SlideStimCollection.Add failed due to the Item parameter representing an object that was not of the SlideStim data type. | Call SlideStimCollection.Add with a Item parameter that represents an object of the SlideStim data type. |
11041 | ImageDisplay - internal error has occured | The specified image file could not be loaded, either because the file does not exist, or because the correct filename/path was not provided. | Make sure that all images used in the experiment are in the correct folder. If you are not specifying a specific path for your images (e.g., you are entering "image.bmp" instead of "..\path\images\image.bmp"), all of your image files must be contained in the same folder as your .es file. If you are specifying a specific path, PST recommends using the forward slash (/) instead of the back slash (\). Please see INFO: Use / for path separation for E-Objects with filename property [16554]. Ensure the image files are named correctly and the filenames are entered correctly in E-Prime (e.g., ensure "image.bmp" is specified instead of "image .bmp" with an extra space). |
11053 | An error occurred while attempting to load the movie | The most common reason would be that the proper codecs are not installed on the machine. Note that the method used by E-Prime to buffer movies is different from that of Windows Media Player, QuickTime, etc. In other words, a movie that runs fine in WMP may not run at all in E-Prime on a particular machine as the codecs used may be different. | Install the K-Lite set of codecs and DivX; see EXPERIMENT DESIGN: Codec Config [22687] for more details. |
11066 | Invalid DisplayIndex | The DisplayIndex set in the Display Device is not valid. | Ensure that the Display Index property for the DisplayDevice is unique and that DirectX recognizes the display. |
16000 | Invalid Address | E-Basic: The value for PortDevice.Port is invalid. E-Studio: The value for Port device Port field is invalid in the Experiment object property pages; Devices tab for the Port device. |
Enter valid port address values for this property. |
16001 | Invalid Size | E-Basic: The value for PortDevice.Port is invalid. E-Studio: The value for the Port device Size field is invalid in the Experiment object property pages; Devices tab for the Port device. |
Enter valid size values for this property. |
17000 | Invalid Port Number | E-Basic: The value for SerialDevice.Port is invalid. E-Studio: The value for the Serial device Port field is invalid in the Experiment object property pages; Devices tab for the Serial device. |
Enter valid port address values for this property. |
18000 | Error setting Pan Value: <error> <error> = hexadecimal representation of the error code returned |
Unable to set the Pan value for the sound object. The valid range of values is between -10000 and 10000. Panning features are not supported by all sound hardware. | Ensure that the value specified for the Pan parameter is within the range of -10000 to 10000 and that the hardware supports the setting of pan values. |
18001 | Error Setting Volume Value: <error> <error> = hexadecimal representation of the error code returned |
Unable to set the Volume value for the sound object. The valid range of values is between -10000 and 0. Volume features are not supported by all sound hardware. | Ensure the value specified for the Volume parameter is within the range of -10000 to 0 and that the hardware supports setting of volume values. |
18002 | Collection only supports SoundBuffer objects | A call to SoundBufferCollection.Add failed due to the Item parameter representing an object that was not of the SoundBuffer data type. | Call SoundCollection.Add with a Item parameter that represents an object of the SoundBuffer data type |
18004 | Cannot create sound buffer: <error> <error> = string representation of the error message returned |
An error occurred while attempting to create an object of the SoundBuffer data type. This can be due to lack of resources, invalid configuration, or improper driver. | Ensure that the configuration of the file matches the configuration of the sound device. |
18005 | Cannot load sound file<file>. <error> <file> = string representation of the file that could not be loaded. <error> = string representation of further error information |
An error occurred while attempting to load a sound file. This can be due to not being able to find the file, the file is already open, lack of resources, invalid configuration, or improper driver. | Ensure that the configuration of the file matches the configuration of the sound device, that the filename and path are correct, and that the file is not already open. |
18006 | Invalid Active Buffer | The object to which the ActiveBuffer property in the SoundBufferCollection points does not represent an object with a SoundBuffer data type. | Ensure that the ActiveBuffer property is set to a valid object of the SoundBuffer data type |
18007 | Invalid Buffer Index | The value being set to the ActiveBuffer property is not within valid range for the collection. The start index is 1 and the maximum value is equal to the SoundBufferCollection.Count value. | Ensure that the value of the ActiveBuffer is between 1 and SoundBufferCollection.Count. |
18008 | Cannot set the current position unless the sound buffer is playing | A call to set SoundBuffer.CurrentPosition can only occur while the SoundBuffer is currently playing. | Call SoundBuffer.Play prior to setting the value of SoundBuffer.CurrentPosition. |
18009 | The value for CurrentPosition must be between start and stop offset | A call to set SoundBuffer.CurrentPosition must be a valid integer value between the values of SoundBuffer.StartOffset and SoundBuffer.StopOffset. | Call to set SoundBuffer.CurrentPosition must be a valid integer value between the values of SoundBuffer.StartOffset and SoundBuffer.StopOffset. |
18010 | The value for MaxLength is invalid | E-Basic: The MaxLength parameter of the SoundBufferInfo structure represents a value that is not valid. Valid values for SoundBufferInfo.MaxLength cannot be less than 100. E-Studio: The MaxLength field of the SoundOut object (General property page) represents a value that is not valid. Valid values for MaxLength cannot be less than 100. |
E-Basic: Set the value of SoundBufferInfo.MaxLength to a value no less than 100. E-Studio: Set the value of MaxLength to a value no less than 100. |
18011 | The value for BitsPerSample is invalid | E-Basic: The BitsPerSample parameter of the SoundBufferInfo structure represents a value that is not valid. Common values are 8 and 16, but values are hardware dependent. E-Studio: The BitsPerSample field of the Sound device (Experiment object; Devices tab) represents a value that is not valid. Common values are 8 and 16, but values are hardware dependent. |
E-Basic: Set the value of SoundBufferInfo.BitsPerSample to 8 or 16. E-Studio: Set the value of BitsPerSample to 8 or 16. |
18012 | The value for Channels is invalid | E-Basic: The Channels parameter of the SoundBufferInfo structure represents a value that is not valid. Valid values are 1 for mono and 2 for stereo. E-Studio: The Channels field of the Sound device (Experiment Object; Devices tab) represents a value that is not valid. Valid values are 1 for mono and 2 for stereo. |
E-Basic: Set the value of SoundBufferInfo.Channels to 1 or 2. E-Studio: Set the value of Channels to 1 or 2. |
18013 | The value for SamplesPerSecond is invalid | E-Basic: The SamplesPerSecond parameter of the SoundBufferInfo structure represents a value that is not valid. Common values are 11025, 22050, 44100, but values are hardware dependent. E-Studio: The SamplesPerSecond field of the Sound device (Experiment Object; Devices tab) represents a value that is not valid. Common values are 11025, 22050, 44100, but values are hardware dependent. |
E-Basic: Set the value of SoundBufferInfo.SamplesPerSecond to 11025, 22050, or 44100. E-Studio: Set the value of SamplesPerSecond to 11025, 22050, or 44100. |
19001 | Invalid Port Number | E-Basic: The Port field of the SRBoxDeviceInfo structure represents a value that is not valid. Common values are 1, 2, 3, and 4, but are system specific. E-Studio: The Port field of the SRBox device (Experiment Object; Devices tab) represents a value that is not valid. Common values are 1, 2, 3, and 4, but are system specific. |
E-Basic: Set the value of SRBoxDeviceInfo.Port to 1, 2, 3, or 4. E-Studio: Set the value of Port to 1, 2, 3, or 4. |
19002 | Invalid Lamp Mode | A call to CLampMode failed due to an invalid mode being specified. Valid modes are "Normal", "Toggle", and "Sticky". | Set the value passed into CLampMode to "Normal", "Toggle", or "Sticky". |
19005 | Invalid Voice Key Trip Level Value | A call to SRBoxDevice.VoiceKeyTripLevel failed due to an invalid setting. Valid values for the voice key trip level are between 0 and 31. | Set the value of SRBoxDevice.VoiceKeyTripLevel between 0 and 31. |
19006 | Invalid Key Bank Value | A call to set SRBoxDevice.KeyBank failed due to an invalid setting. Valid key bank values are 0 and 1. | Set the value of SRBoxDevice.KeyBank to 0 or 1. |
19007 | Invalid Lamp Bank Value | A call to set SRBoxDevice.LampBank failed due to an invalid setting. Valid key bank values are 0 and 1. | Set the value of SRBoxDevice.LampBank to 0 or 1. |
N/A | Expecting: End Sub Encountered: |
A conditional statement or loop is missing its ending statement. All If...Then...Else statements that span two or more lines must be closed with an End If statement. All Select...Case statements must end with an End Select statement. All Do...Loops must end with a Loop statement, all For loops must end with a Next statement. | Check your If…Then, Select…Case, or Do….Loop statements to make sure no part is missing. |
N/A | Variable name is same as a level name | The error means that you are using a reserved word in E-Prime, associated with the LogLevel in the experiment. When the word is reused on an object that requires logging, inconsistencies occur when data is written to the log file. Typically, this occurs with objects that you name "Block" or "Trial" in the experiment. | Find the object and rename it to a unique identifier (e.g. "BlockList" instead of "Block"). |
N/A | Unexpected end of file, data did not convert | The problem is typically that you have set LogData to "No" for the Session procedure. Since this Procedure contains all the Lists/Procedures for logging later in the experiment, turning logging off for the Procedure will result in logging problems throughout the whole run. | Change the LogData property of the SessionProc to "Yes". Change the LogData property for the Session procedure via the Properties window (from the View menu, select properties). |
N/A | Unable to set display mode | It's most likely that the problem is that the experiment is attempting to configure the system display to a screen resolution/color depth that it does not support. The Display device in E-Studio defaults to 1024x768 and 32-bit, which is typically supported by most video adapters. | Open the Display Device properties in the Experiment Object and change the resolution and bit depth properties to those supported by your video adapter. Contact the manufacturer of your video card to make sure you are working with the latest drivers available. |
N/A | Unable to create DirectX Object | The error indicates that you do not have a sound card in the machine. | If not using sound in the experiment, uncheck the Sound Device. To use sound, look into installing a sound card in this machine. If a sound card is installed, contact the manufacturer to ensure that the latest drivers for the sound card are present on your machine. |
N/A | Too many nested statements | The script limitations are actually placed by the company from which PST licenses the technology for E-Basic, so there is little we can do to change them. | In the case of multiple conditions within a single conditional statement, we usually encourage the use of a Select...Case statement, rather than an If...Then. The Select Case will allow you to include more conditions that the simple If...Then. |
N/A | Runtime required to have input focus to open device | There is another application trying to use the response device (e.g., keyboard, mouse) on this machine. Since E-Prime requires exlusive access to it, this would cause the device error. | Try shutting down all unnecessary applications using MSCONFIG and try running the experiment again. For more information, see FAQ: How do I use MSCONFIG to troubleshoot machine configuration and reduce background applications? [17932]. |
N/A | Failed to open the registery Failed to write keys or values to the database registry File aksusb.sys is missing USB License Key not recognized |
N/A |
Please make sure that there is no antivirus software running on the problem machine. If there is, be sure to disable it completely. Then, with the USB License Key not attached, please download and run HaspUserSetup.exe that is available from PST. This will install the copy protection driver manually. After running through the default selections of the HDD32 install, shut down the system and restart. |
N/A | The experimental file being loaded contains one or more devices of type display that cannot be found on your system. | This typically indicates an installation problem. | Try reinstalling E-Prime. Remove the current installation of E-Prime via the Windows Control Panel, reboot, then reinstall E-Prime. Contact the manufacturers of the video cards in these machines to make sure that you are working with the most updated drivers for your card. Old or outdated drivers will cause this error in E-Prime. |
N/A | Error reading text file, invalid variable name | This typically indicates that you have used a reserved word when naming an attribute. For example, the word "Session" is reserved for a startup information variable. If you have an attribute in a List object named "Session", you will receive this error message at the end of the experiment, when E-Prime attempts to write two variables named "Session" to the data file. |
Check your attribute names in the Attributes window in the E-Studio GUI. Please ensure you are not using any reserved words (e.g. Session, Subject, Block, Trial, etc). |
Legacy End User Comments
David McFarlane 7/5/2012 10:22 |
"FACTOR ERROR - [NAME]IS NOT A PROCEDURE OBJECT" and "UNABLE TO BUFFER MOVIE - TOO MANY RETRIES" use the same error number (-999). Couldn't that get confusing? |
Brandon Cernicky 9/10/2012 15:44 |
Unfortunately there is a proliferation of -999 and 1000 error numbers being used. This will be attempted to be corrected in future revisions. In the meantime, effort will be made to list error numbers and descriptions here (or other easily accessible resources) to avoid this confusion and inconvenience. |
David McFarlane 10/4/2012 14:35 |
Ah, so -999 and 1000 become sort of "catch-all" error numbers. I often use 1001 as a catch-all error number for Err.Raise statements in my own EP programs, and use description to further specify the error. That's OK, as long as it gets documented as such. Perhaps your documentation could say explicitly that -999 and 1000 are general-purpose error numbers, and then further specify what specific errors may result in these general-purpose error numbers. That could help alleviate some confusion. |
I met an error 18019 which was not mentioned in the list above, running a Slide object with Soundin.
18019: cannot create sound capture buffer: 0x8878000a
How could we resolve this problem? Thank you.
I am facing an error ith the number 10092. What is the solution to this error?
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