The SlideSoundOut sub-object is used to place an audio stimulus within a SlideState object. The name of the WAV file may be typed in directly in the Filename field in the SlideSoundOut properties, or the WAV file may be varied by using an attribute reference (e.g., [SoundFileName]) in the Filename field. Within E-Studio, a SlideSoundOut sub-object is viewable so that it may be selected and its properties may be set. At run-time, the SlideSoundOut sub-object is not visible, nor does it affect the display presented by the Slide object.
NOTE: Please view AV: Supported Audio file formats [30571] for a listing of supported audio file extensions.
Property Pages
The Property pages for the SlideSoundOut sub-object are identical to those specific to the SoundOut object (i.e., General). Refer to E-STUDIO: SoundOut Object [22708] for a description of those pages.
Properties Window
Properties for the SlideSoundOut sub-object may be set using the Properties window. Click the sub-object to select it. Resizing handles on the perimeter of the sub-object indicate that it has been selected, and the Properties window will display the properties for the selected sub-object.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
(Name) | String values | Assigns a user-entered string as the name of the sub-object. |
(Property Pages) | ---------- | Reveals the property page interface to specify the properties for the selected object. |
EndSoundAction | (none), Terminate, Jump | Determines the action to be taken upon termination of the playback. |
Filename | Strings, Attribute references | Determines the audio file to be loaded by the sub-object. |
Height | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references | Ignored. The SlideSoundOut sub-object is visible only at design-time, and the size of the sub-object is not modifiable. |
Loop | Yes, No, Attribute references | Sets playback to loop continuously between the StartOffset and StopOffset property settings. |
MaxLength | Integer values | Determines the maximum audio buffer size. |
Pan | -1000 to 10000 | Sets the panning level for playback. |
Pan Control | Yes, No | Enables or disables panning control for playback. |
StartOffset | Integer values, Attribute references | Determines the offset (in bytes) from which audio playback will begin. |
StopOffset | Integer values, Attribute references | Determines the offset (in bytes) at which audio playback will terminate. |
StopAfter | Yes, No | Determines whether the playback will continue after the termination of the Slide object’s Run method. |
Volume Control | Yes, No | Enables or disables control of the volume level for playback. |
Volume | -10000 to 0 | Sets the volume level for playback. |
Width | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references | Ignored. The SlideSoundOut sub-object is visible only at design-time, and the size of the sub-object is not modifiable. |
X | Positions (Top, Center, Bottom), Numeric string values (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g., “10%”), Attribute references | Sets the X-coordinate position for the sub-object. Within E- Studio, the SlideSoundOut sub-object may be positioned as a convenience. It is not visible at run-time. |
Y | Positions (Top, Center, Bottom), Numeric string values (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g., “10%”), Attribute references | Sets the Y-coordinate position for the sub-object. Within E-Studio, the SlideSoundOut sub-object may be positioned as a convenience. It is not visible at run-time. |
Next Article: E-STUDIO: SlideSoundIn Sub-Object [23596]
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