The SlideImage sub-object is used to place an image in bitmap format within the SlideState object. The name of the bitmap may be typed directly in the Filename field in the sub-object properties, or the image may be varied using an attribute reference (e.g., [ImageName]) in the Filename field. If the actual filename is entered, the bitmap will be displayed in the sub-object. If an attribute reference is entered in the Filename field, a placeholder bitmap is displayed, since the actual file to be displayed would not be determined until run-time.
Property Pages
The Property pages for the SlideImage sub-object are identical to those specific to the ImageDisplay object (i.e., General, Frame). Refer to E-STUDIO: ImageDisplay Object [22704] for a description of those pages.
Properties Window
When the sub-object is selected, properties for the SlideImage sub-object may be set using the Properties window.
Property Possible Values Description (Name) String values Assigns a user-entered string as the name of the sub-object. AlignHorizontal Left, Center, Right, Attribute references Determines the horizontal alignment of the image within the defined display area. AlignVertical Top, Center, Bottom, Attribute references Determines the vertical alignment of the image within the defined display area. BackColor Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references The BackColor field allows the user to designate the color for the background in the sub-object. If the picture does not fill the entire display area, the BackColor will fill in the remaining area. BackStyle Opaque, Transparent Designates the style of the background. In most cases, using a common display area, the opaque backstyle will result in the removal of the previous display. A transparent backstyle results in an overlay of the current image over the previous display. BorderColor Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references Sets the color of the border drawn around the edge of the displayarea. BorderWidth Numeric values in pixels (e.g., “10”), Attribute references Sets the sizeof the border drawn around the edge of the display area. Filename String values, Attribute References Designates the name of the image file to display. Height Numeric values in pixels (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g.,“10%”) Defines the height of the rectangle designating the display area. MirrorLeftRight Yes, No, Attribute references Designates whether the contents of a picture file should be flipped (i.e., turned over) along the horizontal axis. MirrorUpDown Yes, No, Attribute references Designates whether the contents of a picture file should be flipped (i.e., turned over) along the vertical axis. Stretch Yes, No, Attribute references Designates whether the image should be stretched or reduced to fit the display area. Width Numericvaluesinpixels (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g.,“10%”) Defines the width of the rectangle designating the display area. X Positions (Left, Center Right),Numericstring values (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g., “10%”), Attribute references Sets the anchor position along the horizontal axis to a percentage of the x resolution, or to a fixed pixel location. XAlign Left, Center, Right Determines the horizontal positioning of the defined frame in relation to the X and Y anchor position. Y Positions(Top,Center, Bottom), Numeric string values (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g., “10%”), Attribute references Sets the anchor position along the vertical axis to a percentage of the y resolution, or to a fixed pixel location. YAlign Top, Center, Bottom Determines the vertical positioning of the defined frame in relation to the X and Y anchor position.
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