The SlideText sub-object is used to place text within a SlideState object. The text may be typed directly in the Text area defined by the SlideText sub-object, or in the Text property field in the Properties window. Click the SlideText sub-object once to display the properties in the Properties window. Click the sub-object twice to enter edit mode and type directly into the sub-object’s Text area.
Property Pages
The Property pages for the SlideText sub-object are identical to those specific to the TextDisplay object (i.e., General, Frame, Font). Refer to E-STUDIO: TextDisplay Object [22705] for a description of those pages.
Properties Window
Property | Possible Values | Description |
(Name) | String values | Assigns a user-entered string as the name of the sub-object. |
(PropertyPages) | Reveals the property page interface to specify the properties for the selected object. | |
AlignHorizontal | Left, Center, Right, Attribute references | Defines the horizontal alignment of the contents within the frame (display area). |
AlignVertical | Top, Center, Bottom, Attribute references | Defines the vertical alignment of the contents within the defined frame (display area). |
BackColor | Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references | The background color on which to display the text characters (functionality depends on BackStyle property). |
BackStyle | Opaque, Transparent | Defines the style of the background on which the text is displayed. |
BorderColor | Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references | The color used to display a border around the edge of the defined frame. |
BorderWidth | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Attribute references | The width of the border displayed around the edge of the defined frame. |
FontBold | Yes, No, Attribute references | Indicates whether the font should be in bold style. |
FontItalic | Yes, No, Attribute references | Indicates whether the font should be italicized. |
FontName | Dropdown list created from those available in the system, string values (e.g.,"Courier New") | Indicates the name of the font to be used to display the text. |
FontSize | Numeric values (e.g., 10,12) | Indicates the point size of the font. |
FontStrikeout | Yes, No, Attribute references | Indicates whether the font should be in Strikeout style (a line drawn horizontally through the text). |
FontUnderline | Yes, No, Attribute references | Indicates whether the font should be underlined. |
ForeColor | Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references | Sets the foreground color for the display object. |
Height | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references | Defines the height of the rectangle designating the text display area. |
Text | String values, Attribute references | Sets the Text to be displayed when the object is run. |
Width | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10% of full screen window specified for the display), Attribute references | Defines the width of the rectangle designating the text display area. |
WordWrap | Yes, No | Indicates whether or not to wrap the text within the defined frame. |
X | Left, Center, Right, Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references | Sets the X-coordinate position for the anchor position of the display area. |
XAlign | Left, Center, Right | Sets the alignment of the defined frame area along the horizontal (x) axis relative to the anchor position (X and Y property values). |
Y | Top, Center, Bottom, Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references | Sets the Y-coordinate position for the anchor of the display area. |
YAlign | Top, Center, Bottom | Sets the alignment of the y-axis of the defined frame area in relation to the anchor position (X and Y property settings). |
Next Article: E-STUDIO: SlideImage Sub-Object [23594]
Previous Article: E-STUDIO: Property Pages (Common, Sync, Frame, Logging, Duration/Input) [22715]
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