Duration/Input Tab
The Duration/Input tab is common to objects capable of collecting input. It is used to set the properties related to the duration of the object, the collection of input, and logging. Input is enabled for an object through the definition of Input Masks. Input Masks define the device to be used for data collection, as well as the specific properties related to that input. Once enabled, a device maintains its own Response Option settings as a mask on the device. Selection of a device in the Device(s) field will display the options for the mask in the Response Options.
Within a single object, multiple masks may be defined to allow input from multiple devices, or to vary the types of allowed responses and resulting actions using a single device for input. For example, masks may be defined to allow input from both the mouse and the keyboard. Or, several different masks may be defined to use the keyboard device. Masks using a common device may differ in the keys designated as allowable input, or in the action to be taken when a response is detected.
Field | Possible Values | Description |
Duration | Integer values, Attribute References | Sets the intended duration (msec) of the object’s Run method. This setting depends upon the object’s End Action setting. The "-1" value may be used to indicate that the object should run indefinitely until the conditions for termination are met (e.g., until a response is collected, audio file playback terminates, etc.). |
Timing Mode | Event, Cumulative, Custom | Sets the timing method to be used by the object. Event - Timing is maintained relative to a single event. Cumulative - Timing is maintained relative to a consecutive set of events. Custom – Timing is maintained by the user. |
Data Logging | None, Standard, Response Only, Time Audit Only, Custom | Specifies the category of variables to be logged for the object. Refer to E-STUDIO: Logging [22719] for a complete description of logging properties. Standard – Dependent Measures, Time Audit Custom – User-selected Time Audit Only – Time Audit Response Only – Dependent Measures |
PreRelease | Integer values | Amount of time released during the processing of the current object to allow for setup of the next object. |
Device(s) | Keyboard, Mouse, Serial Response Box, Port Device | Displays devices currently enabled to accept input. Response options (i.e., input masks) must be set for each device separately. A single device may have several input masks. |
Allowable | Alphanumeric values, Function Keys, Attribute references, {ANY}, {ALPHA}, {NUMBER} | Defines the allowed input for the specific device. Any character entered into the Allowable field becomes a valid response key. Function and special keys are enabled for input using left and right brackets (e.g., {F1}, {SPACE}). Keys not specified in Allowable are essentially ignored. |
Correct | Alphanumeric values, Function Keys | Value used to score the response collected by the input object. If there is no correct response, the Correct field may be left blank. |
Time Limit | (same as duration), (infinite), Integer values, Attribute references. | Specifies the amount of time allowed for extended responses. The Time Limit may extend beyond the Run duration of the object. |
End Action | (none), Terminate, Jump | Determines the action, if any, to take upon termination of the input mask. Care must be taken when using End Action in conjunction with extended input (i.e., Time Limit). If the Time Limit extends past the Run duration of the object, setting End Action to “terminate” will result in termination of the currently running object, which may or may not be the object collecting the input. |
Jump Label | String values | Identifies a Label object within the current Procedure to which program execution jumps when input is received on a mask that has an End Action of “Jump”. |
Special mention is warranted by the Jump Label property. The user should take care to understand that the Jump Label is independent of any input masks enabled, and simply serves to initialize or update the current jump destination. Therefore, while set by a specific object, the Jump Label simply indicates the location to which processing will move if a jump occurs. Jump Label is not specific to the object setting Jump Label, and the jump may occur in relation to another object completely. Once initialized, the Jump Label setting remains active until updated by another object, or until the end of the Procedure. Use of the Jump Label property requires the use of a Label object within the same Procedure.
Adding Devices
When a new object is created, input is NOT automatically enabled for that object. To enable input for an object, an input mask must be defined, enabling a specific device and response options for that device. Devices may be added to the Devices field using the Add button. Clicking the Add… button displays the Add Input Device dialog, listing the objects currently available as input devices. The devices available for selection from this dialog are determined by the devices initialized in the Experiment object. By default, the mouse and keyboard are initialized in the Experiment object as valid input devices. Input may also be enabled via other devices (e.g., PST Serial Response Box, Port Device, etc.). Refer to the Experiment Object Devices tab documentation for information concerning adding and removing devices globally. To select a device to add to the Device(s) list, click the specific device icon in the Add Input Device dialog, and click OK.
Separate devices may be chosen as input masks for different objects within the same experiment (e.g., one object may receive input via the keyboard and another object may receive input via the mouse), or input from more than one device may be enabled by the same object (e.g., a single object may accept both keyboard and mouse input). For example, as is illustrated below, the Input Mask devices for an object may be set to collect a response from both the mouse and the keyboard.
Likewise, a single device may be enabled more than once in order to collect input according to different parameters (i.e., different Input Mask settings). The settings for different input masks are independent, thus the Response Options must be set for each device listed in the Device(s) list. To view the property settings for a specific mask, select the device in the Device(s) list, and the properties for that mask will be displayed in the Response Options fields. The independent setting of properties allows a great deal of flexibility and control in the flow of the experiment. For example, a trial could be terminated when any response has been made (e.g., either a keyboard or mouse response), or perhaps only when a particular key is pressed (e.g., enable multiple Keyboard devices, but set the End Action to Terminate for only one).
Removing Devices
To delete a device from the Device(s) list, select the device by clicking on it, and click the Remove button. When a device is removed, it is no longer listed in the Device(s) list.
The device may be re-entered using the Add button (see Adding Devices above), but device settings must be entered manually (i.e., settings will be initialized to defaults). In order to disable a device and retain the settings (i.e., not completely remove it from the experiment), click the checkbox to the left of the device name to uncheck the box. When a device is disabled, it remains in the Device(s) list and its settings are retained, but during generation, no script is generated for that device in relation to input.
Advanced Device Properties
The Advanced button allows the user to set additional properties in relation to the collection of input, such as the enabling of multiple responses for string input, the designation of a specific response to terminate an input mask, and flushing of the buffer.
The General tab allows the user to enable the collection of string responses (e.g., multiple characters, multiple SRBox button presses, etc.).
In addition, the properties on this tab allow the user to specify a specific response to terminate the input mask, and whether or not to clear (i.e., flush) responses occurring prior to the arming of the mask from the response buffer.
Field | Possible Values | Description |
Max Count | Integer values | Maximum number of responses (e.g., keypresses, SRBox button presses, etc.) expected for input. May be used in conjunction with Termination Response. |
Flush Input Buffer | Yes, No | Clears the input buffer to remove any previous responses. If set to “No”, negative response times may occur because responses may be accepted that occurred prior to the enabling of the current input. |
Termination Response | Alphanumeric | Designates the input to be used to terminate the input mask prior to reaching the maximum response count set in Max Count (e.g., terminate input when {Enter} is pressed). |
User Tag | Strings | Defines a string value to be logged with the object. This property might be used to distinguish between responses taken by multiple input masks using the same input device. |
The Collection tab is specific to the keyboard device. This tab allows the user to somewhat restrict the input to be processed during response collection. Regardless of the settings on the Collection tab, all responses are available via script. Refer to the ResponseData object in the E- Basic on-line Help.
Field | Possible Values | Description |
Response Mode | All, Alphanumeric, Attribute references | Limits the types of responses to be collected in the RESP variable. The Alphanumeric option excludes function (e.g., {F1}) and special keys (e.g., {SPACE}). |
Process Backspace | Yes, No | Defines the functioning of the Backspace key. If “Yes”, Backspace functions normally (delete previous character). If set to “No”, Backspace is considered another response. This field is enabled only for Allowable responses including {ANY} or {BACKSPACE}. Inclusion of Backspace in the RESP variable is dependent upon the setting in the Response Mode field. |
The Echo. tab in the Advanced Properties for input devices allows the specification of properties related to the echoing of input received from the user to an output device (e.g., the visual display or SRBox lamps). The Echo tab permits the user to specify the device to which input will be echoed, and to set properties relevant to that device.
Click the Add… button to display the Add Echo dialog and select the echo device. The devices displayed by the Add Echo dialog depend on the devices enabled in the Experiment object (see E-STUDIO: Experiment Object [22698]). The Display device is enabled by default. The dialog below indicates a program in which the user has enabled the SRBox device as well. To select a specific device, click the device icon to select it, and click OK. Regardless of the devices that may be enabled by the Experiment object, only devices offering a method for echoing input (e.g., Display, SRBox) are displayed for selection from the Add Echo dialog.
After selection of a device for echo, that device icon is displayed in the Echo dialog. Properties relevant to the echo of input, and specific to the device may be set by selecting the device icon and clicking the Edit button.
Display Echo Properties - General
The properties assignable for formatting the echo of input to the active display relate to the visual characteristics of the input. General properties define the characteristics of the area designated for input.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
X | Numeric string values (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g., “10%”), Attribute references. | Sets the anchor position along the horizontal axis. |
Y | Numeric string values (e.g., “10”), Relative values (e.g., “10%”), Attribute references. | Sets the anchor position along the vertical axis. |
Width | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references. | Sets the width of the display area to a percentage of the x (horizontal) resolution, or to a fixed pixel size. |
Height | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references. | Sets the height of the display area to a percentage of the y (vertical) resolution, or to a fixed pixel size. |
ForeColor | Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references. | Sets the ink color for the display of text in the Text field. |
BackColor | Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references. | The background color on which to display the text characters (functionality depends on BackStyle property). |
BackStyle | Opaque, Transparent | Defines the style of the background on which the text is displayed. |
Border Color | Color value (RGB values), Specific color strings (e.g., black, maroon, lime), Attribute references. | Sets the color of the border to be drawn around the display area. |
Border Width | Numeric values in pixels (e.g., "10"), Relative values (e.g., 10%), Attribute references. | Sets the width of the border. |
Clear After | Yes, No | Controls the clearing of the defined display area after the object’s termination condition is met. |
Word Wrap | Checked, Unchecked | Determines whether input extending beyond the width of the input area will be wrapped to the next line. |
Show Position Marker | Yes, No | Determines whether or not a cursor marks the location at which the next input will be displayed. |
Display Echo Properties – Font
The Font tab defines the properties related to the size, color, and style of the text to be echoed to the active display.
Field | Description |
Name | Specifies the name of the font to be used for the display of text. |
Point Size | Specifies the size of the font. |
Style | Bold - Sets the bold status of the text. |
Italic - Sets the italic status of the text. | |
Underline - Sets the underline status of the text. | |
Strikeout - Sets the strikeout status (i.e., line drawn through the text). |
SRBox Echo Properties
The properties assignable for formatting the echo of input via the SRBox relate to the control of the lamps.
Field | Possible Values | Description |
Lamp Mode | Normal | Turn lamps on for presses, off for releases. |
Toggle | Upon press, toggle state of lamp. | |
Sticky | Upon press, turn lamp on and do not turn lamp off. Subsequent presses do not affect the state of the lamp. | |
Clear After | Yes, No | Controls the clearing of the defined display area after the object’s termination condition is met. |
Next Article: E-STUDIO: Touch Interface Support [24258]
Previous Article: E-STUDIO: Available Devices in E-Prime [22722]
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